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Thread: hello all...please help with a small translation

  1. #1
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    Default hello all...please help with a small translation

    i am creating a flyer about a raffle. I have done much of the work myself, all i need is the correct word, usuage(?) for the phrase: RAFFLE DRAWING...Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: hello all...please help with a small translation

    Without a context I cannot be sure, but I think you are refering to de word "SORTEO"

    Good luck MArazul

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: hello all...please help with a small translation

    i thought it would be sorted--sorteo, however not too many i know use that word and thought there may be another word...thanks for your quick reply!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: hello all...please help with a small translation

    Quote Originally Posted by MarAzul
    i thought it would be sorted--sorteo, however not too many i know use that word and thought there may be another word...thanks for your quick reply!
    I understand Marazul, however, I did not mean "sorted" (sortead" I meant Sorteo, whihc is the atual event, by means of which the Raffle takes place. The event in which the winner is selected by a random selection of a raffle ticket.

    Hope it helps

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: hello all...please help with a small translation

    I've heard the word, rifa, used for raffle. Hope that gives you an option.

  6. #6
    Forum User sweetcamy's Avatar
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    Default Re: hello all...please help with a small translation

    The word "draw" also means "empate"... term used when 2 people have all the numbers completed and both win, so both these people will share or get each of them the same prize by separate.

    Hope that helps

  7. #7
    Forum User Octavia's Avatar
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    Default Re: hello all...please help with a small translation

    Some Latin American countries use rifa to signify a drawing/raffle as in "estoy vendiendo estos boletos para una rifa en la cual el ganador...",

    and most of the commercials in the US-Spanish television use the word sorteo as in "el sorteo se lllevara a cabo el 11 de noviembre"

    I hope this helps

  8. #8
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    Default Re: hello all...please help with a small translation


    I think you can use the word "RIFA" as well.

    Good Luck

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