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Thread: Capital Adeudado ??

  1. #1
    Forum User
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    Question Capital Adeudado ??

    Would you translate "capital adeudado" as "amount of the sum charged"
    or just "amount charged" ??

    the context is below, first my translation in blue, and below, the original context. thks!!!!!!

    As per this clause, the amounts shall be compensated or deducted, in the first place from the expenses generated by an eventual breach of contract, then from the interest rate generated, and lastly from the amount of the sum charged.

    Las sumas compensadas y descontadas en virtud de lo establecido en la presente cláusula se imputarán en primer lugar a los gastos generados por un eventual incumplimiento; luego a los intereses generados, y en última instancia al monto del capital adeudado

  2. #2
    Forum User Araguaney's Avatar
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    Maracay. Aragua State. Venezuela
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    Smile Re: Capital Adeudado ??

    Hi. This is my try:

    As per this clause, the amount compensated and deducted in the first place shall be allocated to the expenses generated by an eventual breach of the contract, then to the interest rate generated, and lastly to the amount of the sum owed.

    I would be helpful other opinions

    Best regards

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