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Thread: Brazilian liar

  1. #1
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    Angry Brazilian liar

    Hi! I'm a German who needs a little bit help to create a letter in Portuguese. So sorry for my mistakes - my English is not perfect as well.

    I need to write one short letter in Portuguese to one guy who lives a double life with my friend and one woman from Brazil. The letter could sound something like this: "I know about your dirty secrets. If he won't tell her the truth, I will do it".

    If anyone can help me, please, I would be very grateful.

  2. #2
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    sorry for spam

  3. #3
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    hallo schatz!

    "conheço os seus segredos sujos. se você não contar a verdade para ela, eu vou contar" - very literal....

    oder vielleicht

    "estou sabendo das suas cachorradas, ou você conta a verdade para ela ou conto eu" - ein bisschen besser, noch nicht perfekt.... wenn ich über etwas besseres denke, schreibe ich wieder.

    good luck

    Quote Originally Posted by schatz
    Hi! I'm a German who needs a little bit help to create a letter in Portuguese. So sorry for my mistakes - my English is not perfect as well.

    I need to write one short letter in Portuguese to one guy who lives a double life with my friend and one woman from Brazil. The letter could sound something like this: "I know about your dirty secrets. If he won't tell her the truth, I will do it".

    If anyone can help me, please, I would be very grateful.

  4. #4
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    hallo schatz!

    "conheço os seus segredos sujos. se você não contar a verdade para ela, eu vou contar" - very literal....

    oder vielleicht

    "estou sabendo das suas cachorradas, ou você conta a verdade para ela ou conto eu" - ein bisschen besser, noch nicht perfekt.... wenn ich über etwas besseres denke, schreibe ich wieder.

    good luck

    Quote Originally Posted by schatz
    Hi! I'm a German who needs a little bit help to create a letter in Portuguese. So sorry for my mistakes - my English is not perfect as well.

    I need to write one short letter in Portuguese to one guy who lives a double life with my friend and one woman from Brazil. The letter could sound something like this: "I know about your dirty secrets. If he won't tell her the truth, I will do it".

    If anyone can help me, please, I would be very grateful.

  5. #5
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    Danke. Thank you very much!!!!

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