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Thread: Poetic Portuguese, Please

  1. #1
    akp is offline
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    Question Poetic Portuguese, Please

    Can someone please tell me if my poem's title and the Portuguese words used in the 5th line from the bottom make sense/are used correctly?
    Would anyone like to translate the whole thing into Portuguese for me? (I would certainly understand if no one wanted to do that much work :-)
    I wrote this for an American who frequents Brazil and can speak Portuguese, but I don't know how well he speaks. Thank you!
    ************************************************** *

    Long light slants across snow,
    Cuts a triangle of time into the underworld
    Where shadows bind the eyes of love. You
    Move across the continent, solo, content
    To sail away from words. You prefer
    Sun on the sand of Brazil, Portuguese reasons
    To keep moving.
    I stay frozen to the blushing blossom
    Of a 20 year-old dream, preserved
    In the jar of my heart, stubborn as stone, perfect
    As the day you made it.
    Seas are between us, you on your South Atlantic boat,
    Me, glaciated in my mukluks, the warm and cold of us,
    The south and north of us, and, yes, the no
    Of so many years without us.
    We wake to far off singing from the cove of youth,
    Ah, the siren’s song, sounding familiar depths!
    She restores the ground under our feet,
    Conjures the scent of midwestern rain,
    Sends the wind through our window on a summer night that never ended.
    So we go, enchanted, lured to the uneven shores
    Of Memória, Talvez, and Desejo. We surrender after all
    And cannot remember why we parted
    Without protest, waved goodbye with our eyes
    Cast downward, sure that time would help us
    Overcome the weakness of love.

  2. #2
    Ali is offline
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    How are you?

    Yes, the words: Despertamos, memória, talvez and desejo are correct.


  3. #3
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Try translating the poem ... It´is more romentic that way becasue it'll come straight from the heart ... then somebody in the forum who can speak portuguese may do the the corrections ... deal?
    Last edited by Hebe; 03-27-2007 at 02:58 PM.

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