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Thread: Iron Maiden in Argentina!!!

  1. #1
    Senior Member Ezequiel's Avatar
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    Default Iron Maiden in Argentina!!!

    Tonight is the concert and I have my ticket!!!!

    I can't wait to see Bruce Dickinson and Eddie on stage!!

    Is anyone coming??

  2. #2
    Senior Member Gabriel's Avatar
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    I'm not... I like Iron Maiden. The leaving and return of Bruce Dickinson was not one of their best moves (especially after such a song as "Tears of the Dragon" explaining his reasons). I kind of lost track of their last records... and I don't want to sound sarcastic or anything, but the 80's are kind of over. I don't know if their sound has changed with the times.

  3. #3
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    They have their own airplane! Thats cool!!!!

  4. #4
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    Default People, enojoy!

    Everybody´s coming!

    Tell us about tonight on Monday!!

  5. #5
    Senior Member Ezequiel's Avatar
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    Well, i went to the show and It's hard for me to tell how I feel about it.

    The playlist was GREAT, the best of Iron Maiden ever. I can't complain about that. But I didn't enjoy the show as much as I was expecting to and i don't know why. Maybe it was the fact that i decided to stay in the back to avoid being pushed or hit by the crowd (I went to a lot of concerts bigger than this one and I usually go all the way to the front of the stage, but I decided not to do so this time so I could concentrate on the music and the show) and the sound was not that good for a band this big... or the fact that where I was standing, people were not that excited... or the fact that the show was short and the band were kind of cold... well I don't know.

    But even though I liked it a lot, I left the stadium feeling a little disappointed =/

  6. #6
    Senior Member Gabriel's Avatar
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    For what I heard (I can't say... I have never seen Iron Maiden live) they keep on having the same problem all the time... sound, I mean. Perhaps it's a problem of the stadium, though I heard Megadeth in Ferro twice and they sounded reeeeeally well!

  7. #7
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    I really wanted to go to this show, but couldn't. I saw them once before and it was top three best concerts Ive ever seen. Fear of the Dark live is not to be missed... Sound issues, what a dissapointment. But even a bad Maiden concert is still pretty good, right?

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