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Thread: Trados and cartoon strips

  1. #1
    vix is offline
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    Default Trados and cartoon strips

    I'm hoping that somebody willl be able to help me.I am doing a dissertation-a translation of a cartoon strip (Mafalda) from Spanish to English and I need to find a way of putting the translated text into the speech bubbles. I'm told that there is a way of doing this with trados by saving the scans of the pages as a certain type of file but I'm not sure if this is true or not.Can trados be used to this and if so,how?Thanks!

  2. #2
    Senior Member ElVizconde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trados and cartoon strips

    Quote Originally Posted by vix
    I'm hoping that somebody willl be able to help me.I am doing a dissertation-a translation of a cartoon strip (Mafalda) from Spanish to English and I need to find a way of putting the translated text into the speech bubbles. I'm told that there is a way of doing this with trados by saving the scans of the pages as a certain type of file but I'm not sure if this is true or not.Can trados be used to this and if so,how?Thanks!
    You can. However, it depends on the format of the source file.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Trados and cartoon strips

    Hi Vix,
    which format do you have the bubbles? Trados support rtf among many others...
    tell us so that we can help you better

  4. #4
    vix is offline
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    Default Re: Trados and cartoon strips

    Hi again,
    Thanks for your suggestions.I originally had the scans saved as a .jpeg file, which didn't work with Trados at all.I am in the process of scanning the pages again so I will save them this time as a .rtf file to see if it works with Trados.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Trados and cartoon strips

    right, jpg format is not editable and trados won´t take it.
    you can try and save your scans as rft or doc format, or excel, and trados will work fine.
    let us know

  6. #6
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trados and cartoon strips

    You can also OCR the strips and save them in an editable format.

    Good luck!

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