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Thread: Please help trados newby with termbase!

  1. #1
    Registered User Heather Chinchilla's Avatar
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    Question Please help trados newby with termbase!

    Hi again,

    I'm still trying to figure out the SDL Trados 2006 trial, ugh! I think I'll like it once I figure it out, but the instructions are driving me crazy!

    The tutorial keeps referring to samples which I can't find. I learn best when I'm doing something, not reading about it. I try to imagine myself in the hypothetical situations they're referring to, but I really want to start using it!

    Now that Marlene kindly explained that you don't type in a TM, I understand a little more. I've created and saved a TM. I've opened my word document and used the trados toolbar (open, get, close) and translated text segment by segment, but it's kindof like translating something in word, except trados is telling me when it's time to translate the next term.

    I've tried to contact technical support. For some reason I haven't been able to get the international call to go through. I emailed them a couple of days ago and still haven't heard back.

    I'm really in a hurry to figure this out quickly for 2 reasons:
    1) My time is running out on the free trial and I really haven't been able to really try it out yet.
    2) I have translation program entrance exam next week. The first time I took it I ran out of time. I'm convinced that if I could figure trados out, I could work more quickly and efficiently. I'd really like to figure it out before I take the test!

    The main things I'd like to help with are the following:

    1) Is a termbank a glossary?
    2) I'd like to be able to do the following: Read over a text, make a list (glossary? termbank?) of words to look up, or to use in order to be consistent, and to be able to look up or have trados find me the terms from my list. How do I:
    a) make the list? Do I make it in word and then import it into or open it in trados? If so, how do I do that?
    b) format the list? Do I type a word or term in one language, hit the / key, tab key, enter key, etc., then type in the other word or term?
    c) how do I look up these terms while I'm doing my translation, or how do I set up trados to show them to me?

    Thanks a million for looking, and I'll greatly appreciate any help you can give me!

  2. #2
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    Hi... I will try to help you out:

    1) Is a termbank a glossary?

    Yes... it is another application called Trados Multiterm

    2) I'd like to be able to do the following: Read over a text, make a list (glossary? termbank?) of words to look up, or to use in order to be consistent, and to be able to look up or have trados find me the terms from my list. How do I:
    a) make the list? Do I make it in word and then import it into or open it in trados? If so, how do I do that?

    When you reach to the point of learning on how to use Multiterm.. then you will be able to create a Multiterm glossary that performs the tasks you metioned.

    b) format the list? Do I type a word or term in one language, hit the / key, tab key, enter key, etc., then type in the other word or term?

    No need if you create the glossary directly in Multiterm.

    c) how do I look up these terms while I'm doing my translation, or how do I set up trados to show them to me?

    In Workbench, go to Options - Terminology Recognition.


  3. #3
    Registered User Heather Chinchilla's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Thank you!/How do I reach to the point...

    Hi TopNotch,

    Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it! Could you please tell me the quickest way to reach the point of learning about Multiterm? Thanks again!

  4. #4
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    Red face

    Sure thing. Once you have the program installed go to File New Termbase to create a new terminology database. Then you can start including entries and it is very friendly user interfase... I am sure you will go through it.


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