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Thread: How to add a termbase in X-bench

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Default How to add a termbase in X-bench

    To add a termbase (.txt file) in XB in order to run a terminology QA using the same program, you need to follow these steps:

    1. Go to Project > Project Properties or press F2 or the corresponding bottom on the Menu bar.
    2. The Project Properties window will show up. On the tab Files, press the bottom Add...
    3. A new window will show up (Add Files to Project). If the option Tab-delimited text is not marked, marked it and press Next.
    4. In the File List tab of the same window, press Add File...
    5. A new window will show up (Add Glossary). Enter the file route in the box File name (leave the option Text/UTXFiles in the Type of file box) and press Open.
    6. The window Add Files to Project will show up again. In the File List tab, press Next. In the Priorities tab, mark the options Remove Duplicates and Key Terms. Also, choose the priority of the term base. If it is a client's glossary, choose High. Press OK.
    7. The window Project Properties will show up again; press OK.
    8. If you have already uploaded the bilingual files, you will be ready to run a terminology QA in XB. Otherwise, you will have to follow a similar procedure to upload the files to be QA-ed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How to add a termbase in X-bench

    Hi Estefania
    That´s a good step by step explanation. It´s related to the other instructive about QAs in Xbench: How to QA files in XBench
    It´s really very useful

  3. #3
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    Default Re: How to add a termbase in X-bench

    Hi Estefania!

    Your step by step explanation is really clear!

    I have one doubt though.. maybe you can help: is it possible to add a TM and a TB at the same time? How would you set the priorities?


  4. #4
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    Default Re: How to add a termbase in X-bench

    Hi, Anas:

    Yes! Of course. You can add a TM just by following the same steps you followed for adding a TB. The difference is that you need to add it as "Ongoing translation" and not as "Key terms" in the Priorities tab. As for the priority, you can determine it during the adding process or you can set the priorities once you have uploaded all files in the Project Properties window.

    Remember that TBs tend to be of higher priority than TMs!

    Hope it helps!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: How to add a termbase in X-bench


    I didn't know that. I think the key is in the priorities.

    Thanks a lot for your help!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: How to add a termbase in X-bench

    hi there!, mm, that´s very interesting.
    I´ve always done that in 2 different batches, like first I would check files against TM, and then, in a 2nd round I would check files against TB. I´ve never done both at the same time. I´ll try next time.
    Thank you Estefania

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