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Thread: Please Translate this email I received

  1. #11
    Registered User canencia's Avatar
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    Default which phone number?

    I agree Vicente, because she was embarrassed/shy due to nobody did the first step to exchange phone numbers.
    So here is my translation:
    I don't know if I did the right thing by not asking him for his phone number, and waiting for him to ask either Ricky or me for mine. I know he has already asked Ricky for my phone number, but I was embarrassed/shy, you know..

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by canencia
    I agree Vicente, because she was embarrassed/shy due to nobody did the first step to exchange phone numbers.
    So here is my translation:
    I don't know if I did the right thing by not asking him for his phone number, and waiting for him to ask either Ricky or me for mine. I know he has already asked Ricky for my phone number, but I was embarrassed/shy, you know..
    Actually Canencia, I think it will probably flow better if you'd say:
    "I agree (with) Vicente, because she was embarrased/shy due (to the fact) that nobody (had taken) the first step to exchange phone numbers.
    Last edited by kellymellars; 04-12-2008 at 04:34 PM.

  3. #13
    Registered User canencia's Avatar
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    Default Thank you Kellymellars

    Now....I AGREE WITH YOU.
    My native language is Spanish, so it is easy for me to see that a couple missed to exchange phone numbers. I'm not a translator, however I love to joint the forum and try to improve my poor English.

  4. #14
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by canencia
    Now....I AGREE WITH YOU.
    My native language is Spanish, so it is easy for me to see that a couple missed to exchange phone numbers. I'm not a translator, however I love to joint the forum and try to improve my poor English.
    Canencia, I'd love to help you anytime you want. Here is a tip that might help you with your learning of the language; when you are watching your favourite movie, change the language setting of your DVD to "English". You'll be amazed at how much of the language (English) you will pick up. Don't forget to turn the spanish subtitles off!

    Keep up the good work! :

    BTW (By The Way), agree with you is correct!
    Last edited by kellymellars; 04-12-2008 at 05:39 PM.

  5. #15
    Registered User canencia's Avatar
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    Default thank you Kellymellars (2)

    I really appreciate your offer of help. I was told that I made hundreds of mistakes in my Website. If you visit it and email me a list of errors, i will owe you for a very very huge favor. www.canencia.890m.com

  6. #16
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    Cool Vicente, That is 1 vote for me !

    Quote Originally Posted by canencia
    Now....I AGREE WITH YOU.
    My native language is Spanish, so it is easy for me to see that a couple missed to exchange phone numbers. I'm not a translator, however I love to joint the forum and try to improve my poor English.
    Cat got your tongue, vicente?
    Last edited by kellymellars; 04-13-2008 at 11:53 AM.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by kellymellars
    Cat got your tongue, vicente?
    If you don't like my suggestions just ignore them.

  8. #18
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    If you don't like my suggestions just ignore them.
    Hi there! What's going on here?

    Vicente... your suggestions are always very useful. I always learn a lot with you.

    Though the Spanish version is not that clear, your interpretation sounds perfect to me!

    "I don't know if I did the right thing by not asking him for his phone number, and waiting for him to ask either Ricky or me (for mine). I know he has already asked Rickyfor it, but I was embarrassed, you know.."

    Best regards to you all!

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by canencia
    I really appreciate your offer of help. I was told that I made hundreds of mistakes in my Website. If you visit it and email me a list of errors, i will owe you for a very very huge favor. www.canencia.890m.com
    Canencia, I had a look at it. I will send some suggestions when I get a minute.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    If you don't like my suggestions just ignore them.
    Oh no vicente, your suggestions are OK, in fact they are invaluable. It is the fact that you said that your translation was the best, and (implied) that only you knew how to speak the language properly; that bothered me.

    This is what you said, and I quote you:

    And certainly you could omit the "for it" in my translation but in the U.S. most people would write it that way.
    In that regard I believe my version would be better understood in the U.S.

    I don't agree with either of your previous statements, but YOU are OK!

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