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Thread: Is this translation grammatically ok?

  1. #1
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    Default Is this translation grammatically ok?

    Please, I need help to know if this translation is correct:

    The original spanish phrase is:

    "Porque no sabes lo que encontrarás en este viaje a través de aguas tormentosas; quiero que sepas, que en mí siempre encontrarás un puerto al que puedes llamar hogar, donde sea que te lleve el océano de aventuras al que has decidido embarcarte".

    The translation is this:

    "Because you don't know what you'll find along this journey through stormy waters; I want you to know, that in me you will always find a port that you can call home, wherever it takes you the ocean of adventures that you have decided to embark on".

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Is this translation grammatically ok?

    "....wherever it takes you the ocean of adventure that you haved to decided to embark on."

    It should be "...wherever you are taken on the ocean of adventures that you have decided to embark on (upon)." or "...wherever the ocean of adventures that you have decided to embark upon takes you."

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