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Thread: letter to El Salvador student #3

  1. #1
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    Default letter to El Salvador student #3

    Any help with these letters is very appreciated!!
    Thank you.

    Dear Daniel,

    Thank you very much for your Christmas greetings. We enjoy your drawings. Thanks, too, for sending you report card. We are very proud of you, and of your very good grades. We know that you work hard at your studies.

    We had fresh snow for Christmas. Our family likes to have fun in the snow. It is peaceful and beautiful in the woods.

    Jim and I hope to come to El Salvador with our church group in the near future. We are so eager to meet you, Oneyda, Rosa, your mom and dad, and other brothers and sisters.

    May God's love bless you each day.

    Much love.

    (Cher's mom, Maxine, sends her love too. Included is $75 from Maxine for you and your family)
    Last edited by blueluna; 01-07-2008 at 09:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    This letter is similar to #1 which I already translated for you, so I will just translate the new sentences

    We enjoy your drawings: nos gustan mucho tus dibujos
    We are so eager to meet you, Oneyda, Rosa, your mom and dad, and other brothers and sisters.
    Tenemos tantos deseos de verte a ti, a Oneyda, a Rosa, a tus padres y hermanos.
    Dios los bendiga cada día.

    con cariño,
    (Cher's mom, Maxine, sends her love too. Included is $75 from Maxine for you and your family)
    (La madre de Cher, Maxine, también envía su cariño y envía $75 junto con esta carta para ti y tu familia)
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

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