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Thread: Mi espanol es no bueno :(

  1. #1
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    Default Mi espanol es no bueno :(

    I know a lot of spanish but I understand more than I can actually say and it sounds very broken I want to say this without it sounding pieced together and I know what I have wrote out does not look right. How would be the best way to start a letter to someone you love in spanish?
    Also how would I say " I think God has brought us together to help each other. I want to do everything the right way so that God will not take what we have. I want to stay pure until we are married and I want to respect you and be the woman you need and deserve. I want us to be a good example for our kids."

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Mi espanol es no bueno :(

    Hi Alyssa. We need to start with this: you should say, "Mi español no es bueno." instead of "Mi español es no bueno." In order to make a negative sentence in SWpanish, you should say - or write - "no" before the verb - any verb -, not after. Concerning the translation of the sentences. "I think God has ........" Here it is: "Yo creo que Dios nos ha juntado para ayudarnos mutuamente. Yo quiero hacerlo todo bien para que Dios no nos prive de nuestros bienes. Quiero permanecer virgen hasta que nos casemos, respetarte, y ser la mujer que tú necesitas y mereces." Saludos, José Luis

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