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Thread: Hello! I just register

  1. #1
    New Member BetzabeRodriguez's Avatar
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    Post Hello! I just register

    Hello, I just register and would like to talk to you about options for substancially.

    In Spanish we try to avoid the gerunds, so I cant say "sustancialmente", I cant say "en sustancia", This is a Translation project that I am working on right now. Your opinions are highly valued. Here's the sentence:

    poverty rates wereonce again substantially abovethe poverty rates for men. Morethan one
    in seven women

    índices de pobreza delas mujeres fueron considerablemente sobre el nivel de pobreza de los hombres. Más de 1 de cada 7 mujeres.

    Se destacó que el índice de pobreza en las mejeres es por mucho, mayor al indice de pobreza de los hobres, de hecho mayor a 1 de cada 7 mujeres.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Hello! I just register

    Hello BetzabeRodriguez,
    Both options are correct if you know how to use them. The adverbs with "-mente" are fine and you could use it here "Los índices de pobreza delas mujeres fueron considerablemente sobre el nivel de pobreza de los hombres".
    However, the verb "fueron" is not the best choice here.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Hello! I just register

    Hi BetzabeRodriguez,

    Where are you from? Do you translate yourself?

    As for your request, I agree with danielr about the use of adverbs with "-mente". However, I noticed that one of he information that was in english was "lost in translation": "once again"
    I would suggest:
    Una vez más, los índices de pobreza de las mujeres superaronconsiderablemente el nivel de pobreza de los hombres. Más de 1 de cada 7 mujeres.

  4. #4
    Senior Member matiasc's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello! I just register

    Bienvenida, BetzabeRodriguez!

    Porque razon no usan los gerundios?
    De hecho "substancialmente" quedaria perfecto en esa frase.

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