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Thread: Me pueden ayudar con esta traduccion al ingles please!

  1. #1
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    Post Me pueden ayudar con esta traduccion al ingles please!

    Te envio este memorandum aclarando lo siguiente: tanto tu y tu papa, que no me estoy yendo del trabajo, sino por necesidad personal, mi esposa es posible que la operen el martes. Quede con ustedes que cuando llegue mi amigo aca, comienzo a trabajar con el, por lo tanto necesito se me envie dinero de lo que he ganado.
    Ademas dejo por escrito aqui: Deje ese dia parqueado el camion donde se dejaba la carga, porque habia manejado 12hrs y los demas dias 11hrs y hasta 14hrs porquel otro chofer es un vago solo refunfunando e insultando y yo no acepto a nadie ni a ustedes insultos, porque yo respeto a todo el mundo y si no he llamado a ustedes por lo sucedido porque no me gusta estar chismeando, yo resuelvo mis problemas.
    Si ya ustedes no quieren que trabaje con mi companero diganmelo.
    Respecto a lo anterior chofer puede decir una persona que no sabe manejar decir que mi me sonaban los cambios [los cambios de manejo se refiere al camion] que estupido!! si ni siquiera maneje un minuto para que pueda decir tamana estupidez. Subansen al carro con el y se daran cuenta como maneja y subanse conmigo para que vean.
    Yo no fui a trabajar con ustedes para que me ensenen a manejar.

    Soy honesto y digo cuando puedo y cuando no puedo.
    Ustedes decidan si espero a mi companero o no o lo recojo algun lado

  2. #2
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Default Re: Me pueden ayudar con esta traduccion al ingles please!

    Hola, Sandra! Veo que eres nueva. ¡Bienvenida!
    Te comento: la idea del foro no es conseguir traducciones desde cero, si no que cada uno haga su intento y los demás foreros colaboren resolviendo dudas, contestando preguntas o sugiriendo opciones.
    Te invito a que nos muestres tu versión y seguramente muchos de nosotros te ayudaremos con lo que haga falta pulir o mejorar.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Me pueden ayudar con esta traduccion al ingles please!

    Yo no se si este bien pero si me ayudan

    I send this memo to point out this is for you & Father: I notice that i am not leaving work. I have personal issues. My wife is going to hospitalize on tuesday for a surgery. We agreed that when my friend arrives, i will start working with him, so i need to be send what i have earned so far.
    Also, to let you know: I parked the truck that day where i unloaded the charge because i had been driving for 11, 12 evn 14 hours per day because the other driver is lazy, and all he does is complaint and saying bad words. And i will not accept bad words from him neither from you because i rescpect people. I didnt call you to tell you what happened because i dont like gossip.

    If you don't want me working with this guy, let me know.

    And the other driver who said that the gears made noise while i drive is a poor liar. He is the one who doesn't know how to drive. Join him and me while driving and judge who is the one who doesn't know how to drive.

    I don't work for you to teach me how to drive.

    I am honest and i say when i can and when i can't.

    Tell me if i have to wait for my partner or not, or if i pick him up somewhere

  4. #4
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Default Re: Me pueden ayudar con esta traduccion al ingles please!

    Realmente el español está muy confuso y no me animo a hacer una traducción basada en ese texto.
    SImplemente voy a corregir la gramática de tu versión, lo que no quiere decir que sea una traducción fiel del original.

    I am sending this memo for you and your father: I need to clarify that I am not leaving work. I have personal issues. My wife is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. We agreed that as soon as my friend arrives, I will start working with him, so I need to be paid for the worked I have done so far.
    Also, for your information, let me say that the day I unloaded the charge, I had to park the truck because I had been driving for 11, 12 or even 14 hours a day because the other driver is lazy, and all he does is complain and curse. And I will not accept bad language from him or you, because I respect people. I didn't call you to let you know what happened because i don't like to gossip.

    If you don't want me to work with this guy, let me know.

    And the other driver who said that the gears made noise while I drive is simply a liar. He is the one who doesn't know how to drive. Join him and me while driving and you can be the judge on who is the one who doesn't know how to drive.

    I don't work for you to teach me how to drive.

    I am honest and I say whatever I have to say at all times.

    Let me know if I need to wait for my partner or not, or if I need to pick him up from somewhere.

    NOTE: Always remember to write I (yo) with capital letters.

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