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Thread: Need help with translating directions from English to Spanish.

  1. #1
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    Default Need help with translating directions from English to Spanish.

    If anyone could help me translate some simple directions it would be greatly appreciated. Post or private msg me if you are fluent and willing to help. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Forum User utgi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with translating directions from English to Spanish.

    What kind of "directions"?

    It is easier if you list them...

    Utgi García

  3. #3
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with translating directions from English to Spanish.

    HI Conjames, tell us your terms and we will provide help.

  4. #4
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    Default Help In Translating English To Spanish

    Please Any Body Help Me In Translating English To Spanish.what Else Should I Do For The Same.should I Type The Paragraph Which Is To Be Translated.if I Do So Will U Mail The Translated Paragrafh To Me/

  5. #5
    Forum User utgi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with translating directions from English to Spanish.

    Dear All,

    It might help...

    English ---- Pos ---- Definition ---- Español
    About ---- Adv ---- Approximately ---- Alrededor
    Across from ---- Prep ---- On the other side of a street or a point of reference ---- Enfrente de
    Address ---- N ---- The description of a location or destination ---- Dirección
    Address ---- N ---- The description of a location or destination ---- Señas
    Approximately ---- Adv ---- Roughly ---- Aproximadamente
    Approximately ---- Adv ---- Roughly ---- Alrededor
    Around ---- Adv ---- Approximately ---- Alrededor de
    Around ---- Adv ---- Approximately ---- Más o menos
    Around ---- Adv ---- Nearby, in location ---- Por aquí
    Around ---- Adv ---- Nearby, in location ---- Cerca de
    At the bottom of the hill ---- Phrase ---- ---- Al pie de la colina
    At the top of the hill ---- Phrase ---- ---- En la cumbre de la colina
    At the nth *** ---- Phrase ---- ---- En el *** n
    Ball-park ---- Adv ---- Approximately ---- Aproximadamente
    Bang a right ---- Phrase ---- Turn right, change direction by 90 degrees, clockwise ---- Gire a la derecha
    Be careful *** because yyy ---- Phrase ---- Warning of conditions such a blind corners or bad roads ---- Cuidado con *** porque yyy
    Behind *** ---- Prep ---- ---- Detrás de ***
    Bend ---- N ---- ---- Curva
    Between *** and yyy ---- Prep ---- ---- Entre *** y yyy
    *** blocks/half-blocks ---- ---- Block: a set of buildings or houses. ---- *** cuardas/media cuardas
    Bridge ---- N ---- ---- Puente
    Can you tell me how to get to xx? ---- Phrase ---- A plea for directions to a location ---- ¿me podría indicar como llegar a ***?
    Continue driving for xx minutes ---- Phrase ---- Drive straight without turning for xx minutes ---- Siga derecho por xx minutos
    Continue driving for xx minutes ---- Phrase ---- Drive straight without turning for xx minutes ---- Siga recto durante xx minutos
    (on the) corner ---- N ---- Place where two roads or streets interesect. ---- (está en la) esquina
    Cross under / over *** ---- Phrase ---- ---- Pasar debajo de/ arriba de ***
    Go under / over *** ---- Phrase ---- ---- Cruzar debajo de/ arriba de ***
    Directions ---- N ---- Instructions on how to arrive at a location ---- Direcciones
    Directions ---- N ---- Instructions on how to arrive at a location ---- Indicaciones
    Drawbridge ---- N ---- A bridge that moves to allow passing ships. ---- Puente levadizo
    East ---- N ---- Cardinal direction ---- Este
    Exit ---- N ---- A way of departure from the original street or road ---- Salida
    Exit only lane ---- N ---- A lane designated solely for exiting the roadway ---- Carril de salida
    Far left ---- Adv ---- To the extreme left ----
    Far right ---- Adv ---- To the extreme right ----
    Get into the left lane ---- V ---- Move/change into the left lane ---- Cambiar al carril izquierdo
    Go straight through xx ---- Phrase ---- Continue beyond xx without turning, assumes that xx is an area ---- Siga recto pasando por xx
    Hang a louie ---- Phrase ---- Turn left ---- Gire a la izquierda
    Hang a right ---- Phrase ---- Turn right, change direction by 90 degrees, clockwise ---- Gire a la derecha
    Hang a u-ee (pron. you-eee) ---- Phrase ---- "Reverse direction ---- make u-turn" ---- Hacer una media vuelta
    Hard to see ---- Adj ---- ---- Difícil de ver
    Hidden ---- Adj ---- ---- Escondido/a
    Highway ---- N ---- A major road that runs through and/or connects cities ---- Autopista
    Hill ---- N ---- ----
    How do i get to xx? ---- Phrase ---- A plea for directions to a location ---- ¿cómo llego a ***?
    How do i get to xx? ---- Phrase ---- A plea for directions to a location ---- ¿cómo voy para ***?
    If you see xx, you've gone too far ---- Phrase ---- ---- Si ve ***, se ha pasado.
    Intersection ---- N ---- Where routes cross ---- Cruce de calles
    Just before ---- Adv ---- ---- Justo antes [de]
    Keep on going for xx minutes ---- Phrase ---- Drive straight without turning for xx minutes ---- Siga recto durante xx minutos
    Kilometer ---- N ---- A measure of distance ---- Kilómetro
    Landmark ---- N ---- A prominent or important feature ---- Punto de referencia
    Lane ---- N ---- A narrow strip in the road which a car must follow ---- Carril
    Left ---- N ---- In the direction of the left ---- Izquierda
    Left-hand turn ---- N ---- A turn in the direction of the left ---- Giro a la izquierda
    Left-most lane ---- N ---- The lane in the road that is the furthest to the left side ---- Carril de la izquierda
    Make a slight left ---- Phrase ---- Veer to the left ---- Ligeramente a la izquierda
    Make a slight right ---- Phrase ---- Veer to the right ---- Ligeramente a la derecha
    Middle lane ---- N ---- The lane that is between two others, neither left nor right ---- Carril de en medio
    Mile ---- N ---- A measure of distance ---- Milla
    Mile-marker ---- N ---- An indication of distance thus far, often displayed on the side of the road for drivers ---- Mojón (o hito) kilométrico
    Minute ---- N ---- A measure of time ---- Minuto
    Near ---- Adv ---- Close to ---- Cerca de
    Near ---- Adv ---- Close to ---- Al lado de
    Neon sign ---- N ---- A sign that has flourescent lighting ---- Letrero de neón
    North ---- N ---- Cardinal direction ---- Norte
    Pass by xx ---- Phrase ---- Continue beyond xx without turning, assumes that x is a stable location ---- Pasa cerca de xx
    Pass through xx ---- Phrase ---- Continue beyond xx without turning, assumes that x is an area ---- Siga manejando a través de xx
    Right ---- N ---- In the direction of the right ---- Derecha
    Right before ---- Adv ---- ---- Justo antes de
    Right-hand turn ---- N ---- A turn in the direction of the right ---- Giro a la derecha
    Right-most lane ---- N ---- The lane in the road that is the furthest to the right side ---- Carril de la derecha
    Roundabout ---- N ---- Traffic circle ---- Glorieta
    Route ---- N ---- A road ---- Carretera
    Route ---- N ---- A pathway ---- Carrera
    Sign ---- N ---- A bulletin or poster ---- Letrero
    Slow down and look for *** ---- Phrase ---- ----
    The speed limit is *** there ---- Phrase ---- ---- La velocidad máxima es *** allí
    South ---- N ---- Cardinal direction ---- Sur
    Stay in the *** lane ---- Phrase ---- ---- Manténgase en el carril ***
    Straight ---- Adv ---- Without turning ---- Derecho
    Straight ---- Adv ---- Without turning ---- Recto
    Street ---- N ---- A road ---- Calle
    Street sign ---- N ---- A sign, bulletin, or poster that is meant for drivers ---- Letrero de la calle
    Take a right ---- Phrase ---- Change direction by 90 degrees, counter clockwise ---- Gire a la derecha
    Take xx exit ---- Phrase ---- Leave your current street by ---- Tome la salida xx
    Take xx exit ---- Phrase ---- Leave your current street by ---- Salga por xx
    Tollbooth ---- N ---- A place where you have to pay a certain amount of money to pass through ---- Cabina de peaje
    Traffic circle ---- N ---- A circular intersection ---- Glorieta
    Traffic light ---- N ---- The lighting fixture in the streete that directs drivers when to stop and go ---- Semáforo
    Turn right ---- Phrase ---- Change direction by 90 degrees, clockwise ---- Gire a la derecha
    Turn right ---- Phrase ---- Change direction by 90 degrees, clockwise ---- Doble a la derecha
    Turn right ---- Phrase ---- Change direction by 90 degrees, clockwise ---- Tome a la derecha
    Turn-only lane ---- N ---- Lane that turns right only ---- Carril solo para giro a (derecha, izquierda)
    Turn-only lane ---- N ---- Lane that turns left only ----
    U-turn ---- N ---- A change of direction of 180 degrees ---- Media vuelta
    Veer to the right ---- Phrase ---- Shift slightly to the right, without making a complete 90 degree turn ---- Vire a la derecha
    West ---- N ---- Cardinal direction ---- Oeste
    Where is xx located? ---- Phrase ---- A plea for an address, although directions are also implied ---- ¿dónde está xx?
    Xx is off of yy street ---- Phrase ---- Perpendicular to xx street, crosses xx street ---- Xx está en el cruce con yy
    Zip code ---- N ---- A code that an area is assigned to, in the usa it consists of 5 numbers ---- Código postal


    Utgi García
    Last edited by utgi; 04-03-2009 at 06:08 AM.

  6. #6
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    Wink Re: Need help with translating directions from English to Spanish.

    If you need more help, please post the parragraph to be translated.

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