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Thread: Direct or indirect object?

  1. #1
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    Default Direct or indirect object?

    Hello! I want to say: These things and their costs am I presenting below.
    Does "Estas cosas y los costos suyas las presento adelante" work?

    I sometimes have some problems separating lo/los/la/las/le/les so I'm not sure about the "las" part, but there may be some other errors as well...

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Direct or indirect object?

    Hi there!

    You said:
    I want to say: These things and their costs am I presenting below.
    Does "Estas cosas y los costos suyas las presento adelante" work?

    A native Spanish speaker would say:
    "A continuacion les presento estas cosas y sus (respectivos) precios."

    Happy to be of help,

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Direct or indirect object?

    Si totalmente, hay que hacer un rephrasing ya que no se entendía esa frase.

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