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Thread: toward a goal

  1. #1
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    Cool toward a goal

    Hola, I'm having some trouble with this phrase - I hope someone can help.

    - Try to drink at least 6 eight ounce glasses of fluids (preferably water) a day.
    - Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics and do not count towards this goal and can lead to dehydration.

    I'm having trouble translating "count towards this goal" - this is what I came up with so far:

    ØLa cafeína y el alcohol son diuréticos y pueden causar deshidratación, no cuentan hacia la meta de la cantidad de líquidos que debe tomar.

    Let me know what you guys think.

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: toward a goal

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie Peterson
    - Try to drink at least 6 eight ounce glasses of fluids (preferably water) a day.
    - Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics and do not count towards this goal and can lead to dehydration.

    I'm having trouble translating "count towards this goal" - this is what I came up with so far:

    My 5 cents:
    La cafeína y el alcohol son diuréticos que pueden llevar a la deshidratación, así que no cuentan para tal fin.
    Last edited by mem286; 09-11-2008 at 09:28 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: toward a goal

    Hola cielo ¿qué tal estás, mem?

    Estoy contigo para lo de "no contar", me parece la mejor solución.

  4. #4
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: toward a goal

    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    Hola cielo ¿qué tal estás, mem?

    Estoy contigo para lo de "no contar", me parece la mejor solución.
    Hola bella! Se te extraña...

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: toward a goal

    Hi, this is my version.
    - Try to drink at least 6 eight ounce glasses of fluids (preferably water) a day.
    - Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics and do not count towards this goal and can lead to dehydration.

    La cafeína y el alcohol no sirven para tal fin ya que son diuréticos y pueden causar desidratación.

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