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Thread: NY Times analizes Google translation and itīs competitors

  1. #1
    Contributing User nicolasm's Avatar
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    Question NY Times analizes Google translation and itīs competitors

    Hi All,

    I have read this article at the NY Times site, and think it is super interesting.


    Seems Google is hardly working on automated translations.

    Here comes my question:

    Do you really think the translation process of a project will be replaced by automated translations?

    I fear that, with time, they will enhance this "service". Even though, human translation or edition would be never replaced.

    I can not wait for your comments!!!



  2. #2
    PIM is offline
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    Default Re: NY Times analizes Google translation and itīs competitors

    Thanks Nicolas!
    And what do you think? Is Google Translator just as good as human translators?

  3. #3
    Contributing User nicolasm's Avatar
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    Smile Re: NY Times analizes Google translation and itīs competitors

    Hey PIM,

    I don't think it is at a human level, but I can tell they are making a big effort on these automated translations. And probably with time, they'll make it and in that way, translations would only need to be edited and/or proofread...

    What do you think about it ?

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