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Thread: will need - obligation or future act

  1. #1
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    Default will need - obligation or future act

    Hi to everybody!

    Can anybody tell me which of the two verbs ("will" or "need") is more decisive in the following utterances:

    a. You will need to copy those note heads onto manuscript paper and put 'em in.
    b. There isn't a list so that you will need to sort of think it through.

    is there just a reference to the future act(ivity) or rather an obligation to perform an act.

    I'd be grateful for any response,

  2. #2
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    Default Re: will need - obligation or future act

    Both of these sentences (without emphasis) seem as much suggestions as they seem obligations depending on how one reads them.

    You could easily replace "will need to" with "could" and "should" in the first and second sentences, respectively.

    As is often the case, it is difficult to determine the intent of writing in the absence of emphasis. If emphasis is placed on "will need" or even either word, as in "will need or will need" then it sounds more like a directive or obligation. I would think that "will" is the more decisive of the two.

    Without the emphasis it could be taken either way, in my opinion.
    Last edited by vicente; 09-03-2009 at 02:19 PM.

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