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Thread: Problems in InDesign when trying to import file

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Problems in InDesign when trying to import file

    has anyone had this problem before?

    I´ve check everything´s ok with the ttx, and it looks ok.
    I run the "fuzzy" all along towards the end, and it´s fine...
    I cleaned up, and it´s fine..

    but, when I´m importing the file back into the source, at the very beginning, the InDesign shows a "serious" error and shuts down...

    any idea? thanks!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Nadia D's Avatar
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    I think the problem mught be bookmarks or hyperlinks in the source innd file. You may want to remove/fix them before exporting the text for translation. Once the translation is done, you import the new text to the target indd and restore those bookmarks or hyperlinks.

  3. #3
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Hi AnaLaura! I get the same error message several times and you need to do exactly as Nadia says: fix the source INDD file and create a new :-)

    Let us know how it goes!

  4. #4
    Senior Member ElVizconde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by analaura
    has anyone had this problem before?

    I´ve check everything´s ok with the ttx, and it looks ok.
    I run the "fuzzy" all along towards the end, and it´s fine...
    I cleaned up, and it´s fine..

    but, when I´m importing the file back into the source, at the very beginning, the InDesign shows a "serious" error and shuts down...

    any idea? thanks!
    That is the problem,TagEditor doesn't handle very well INX files, nor HTML or XML files. That is why you need to create XLIFF files with tools like Okapi for example, then translate that file with the tool of your preference, and compile the translated XLIFF into INX when you finish the translation. You woul not no have those problems.

  5. #5
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    Default you are all right!

    I had to remove the first and last pages where I had all the hyperlinks...

    then I re created the source again with those pages removed, run the fuzzy function with the memory and get the new bilingual version, whose clean version I imported to the new in design source with those pages removed!

    it worked fine, what a mess!

    thank you guys!

  6. #6
    Senior Member ElVizconde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by analaura
    I had to remove the first and last pages where I had all the hyperlinks...

    then I re created the source again with those pages removed, run the fuzzy function with the memory and get the new bilingual version, whose clean version I imported to the new in design source with those pages removed!

    it worked fine, what a mess!

    thank you guys!
    Okapi (I mention this tool because that is the one I use) blocks (tagging) all the non-translatable text. You need to do that when you localize marketing material designed in Illy, Quark or InDesign. Using the standard format for localization (XLIFF) will allow you to handle your files better.

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