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Thread: Who should win American Idol?

  1. #1
    Contributing User
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    Default Who should win American Idol?

    Has anyone been following this Season of American Idol? It was a bit confusing to see Amber Holcomb in the bottom three last week when that young lady can sing! Come on America what were you thinking? Last night's choice of music was Motown. Lots of Stevie Wonder songs sung. I think this year will be a female winner. There is some tough competition there. My favorites are Candace and Amber. Cree is talented too, but I'm not a big country fan. Who do you think will win?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Who should win American Idol?

    The winner was Candace Glover!!! A good choice America...I think she deserved it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Who should win American Idol?

    I think Lee or Crystal should win, but I'm hoping it's Lee. I'd rather listen to him on the radio, than Crystal. Crystal has a great voice and everything but she's just not my style of music.

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