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Thread: Hey everyone! Hola a todos los miembros!

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Cool Hey everyone! Hola a todos los miembros!

    Hey, I'm a newbie. lol. You can call me Nak. I'm fluent in spanish and english. I love translating spanish lyrics to english. I like the challenge of translating without losing the meaning of the song. I hate DIRECT translations.

    Neway, hit me up for nething. Also, I do have a facebook page where I have uploaded numerous spanish music video's and performances in HQ I've added english subtitles to. I got vids from Shakira, Vicente Fernandez, Sin Bandera, Chayanne and I'm always adding more. Sort of a hobby. Check it out and see if you like my translations. All comments and corrections are taken gladly. I'm always looking to improve.

    Spanish MV Decoded | Facebook


    Hola. Me pueden llamar Nak. Hablo ingles y espanol. Me encanta traducir letras de canciones a ingles.

    Tambien tengo un facebook donde e subido varias video's de artistas como Shakira, Chente, Chayanne y Sin Bandera con la letra de sus canciones en ingles. Por favor si tienen tiempo, visita mi pagina y dime si les gusta lo que ya traduci.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Hey everyone! Hola a todos los miembros!

    Hey Nak!!!

    Where are you from? I love translating too =)...i love languages haha.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Hey everyone! Hola a todos los miembros!


    I'm from California. But my dad is from Guatemala and my mom from Monterrey.

    I love languages. I really want to learn korean and japanese. Those are my next big challenges. ^_^

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Hey everyone! Hola a todos los miembros!

    Mucho gusto Nak!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Hey everyone! Hola a todos los miembros!

    Welcome Nak...And, what a nick!!! :-)

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Hey everyone! Hola a todos los miembros!

    Como estas! Nak. Tu' sona like a good help con me espanol. This is my first course in spanish. I just love it, ans i am having a hard time with the little stuff. I also have a fb page maybe you can help me out some. thanks

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