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Thread: Would it be fine if...

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Default Would it be fine if...

    Hey, I'm new to the forum, but am very happy I ran across it, I am living in Buenos Aires now and will be here for about 4 months. My spanish is pretty good but there are so many times I get caught up on certain phrases and it always takes me forever to write texts or emails so its good to have this resource, so my first question: I was invited to go out friday by a friend who has a connection at a boliche that can get us in no cover, I want to text her asking if i can invite a friend (that she has already met), so how would i say:

    "hey I'm in to go friday for sure, would it be alright if I invite _____ to join?"

    I tried but dont want to screw up and sound demanding or too formal or something. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Contributing User nicolasm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Would it be fine if...

    Hi dude, welcome to the forum... see my try below...

    "Hola, el viernes voy seguro, le puedo decir a *** que me acompañe?"

    I think that's the best way, not demanding, not tooo formal, and precise..."

    Hope you have a good time on Friday, and lemme know if those chicks have a friend for an interpreter :P

    Take care!


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