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Thread: Please, correct my english

  1. #1
    MGR is offline
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    Default Please, correct my english

    Podríais corregir la traducción al inglés?

    El individuo sujeto a estudio tenía que castigar con una descarga eléctrica al segundo sujeto —que, en realidad, era un ayudante de Milgram y que no recibía descargas porque la máquina no estaba conectada— cada vez que fallara una pregunta e ir incrementando el voltaje. Todo esto bajo la supervisión de Milgram, quien le ordenaba que siguiera cuando se paraba.

    The individual to be studied had to punish with an electric shock the second individual, who, actually, was a Milgram’s assistant and wasn’t receiving shocks because the machine wasn’t connected, whenever he got wrong in a question and increasing the voltage. All this was under the Milgram supervision, who ordered him to continue when he stopped.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Please, correct my english

    The subject had to punish another person with incrementally larger electric shocks every time that person answered a question incorrectly. This was done under the supervision of Milgram, who ordered the subject to continue if he stopped giving shocks. Unbeknownst to the subject, the second person was actually Milgram's assistant and wasn't really receiving shocks.
    Last edited by mariaklec; 05-07-2010 at 08:35 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Please, correct my english

    Quote Originally Posted by MGR
    Podríais corregir la traducción al inglés?

    El individuo sujeto a estudio tenía que castigar con una descarga eléctrica al segundo sujeto —que, en realidad, era un ayudante de Milgram y que no recibía descargas porque la máquina no estaba conectada— cada vez que fallara una pregunta e ir incrementando el voltaje. Todo esto bajo la supervisión de Milgram, quien le ordenaba que siguiera cuando se paraba.

    The individual to be studied had to punish with an electric shock the second individual, who, actually, was Milgram’s assistant and wasn’t receiving shocks because the machine wasn’t connected, whenever he got a question wrong and the voltage was increased. All this was under the Milgram supervision, who ordered him to continue when he stopped.

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