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Thread: Boyfriend flirting w/another via email? Yes or No?

  1. #1
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    Default Boyfriend flirting w/another via email? Yes or No?

    Hi Everyone, my bf is from Guatamala and I saw that he sent a email to another woman. It said:

    "hola amorsote ya mucho sin saber de ti, bueno lo de amorsote me gustaria que fuera realidad y te lo digo porq te tengo mucho carino, pero no pierdo las esperanzas quien kita vea jejeje espero estes muy bien preciosas un besoteeeeeeeeeeee"

    I speak only a little bit of spanish and I see things such as beso and precious in there and it bothers me. I would appreciate it if someone can translate the above to English and let me know if I should be concerned or not.

    I appreciate your help, thank you so much!

    ~ RoseOrb
    Last edited by RoseOrb; 03-15-2010 at 03:03 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Boyfriend flirting w/another via email? Yes or No?

    "hello amorsote much longer without knowing you, well what of amorsote I wish it were true and I tell porq te tengo mucho carino, but who have not lost hope kita see jejeje espero estes muy bien un besoteeeeeeeeeeee precious"

    Just change 'amorsote' for 'great love'
    'porq te tengo mucho carino' for 'because I love you so much' and
    'espero estes muy bien un besoteeeeeee' for 'I hope you are very well. A big kiss'

    I'm not from Guatemala, nor even from the continent, so it may have its regional peculiarities...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Boyfriend flirting w/another via email? Yes or No?

    It started like this:

    gracias tambien que tngas una feliz navidad y un ano nuevo prospero que todos tus deseos se hagan realidad un beso asta pronto

    Woooolaaa......... amorsoot preciosooo....... graxiaz x n olvidart d my..... siempre stas en mis pnsamientozz.... y siempre sera asii..... n lo dudss...... ioo tambien t tngo mucho kriñoo y es x eioo q n t olvidooo....... deseoo lo mejor d lo mejor para ti..... salu2 a fer spro se stn xtando "bien"........aunq lo dudo..... jajaja........ wenoo niñoo precioso cuidat muchooo....... aah!! stoii scribiendo st mensaje y scuchoo la rola d LADY BLUE!!!!!!!........ con esa y otras kncionss t rcuerdooo......... tqm will...... aah!! otra cosita FELIZ NAVIDAD..... Y UN PROSPERO AÑO NUEVOO.... TODA LA WENA VIBRA PARA TI ......UN FUERT ABRAZOO....... ASTA PRONTOOO!!!!!!

    3:hola amorsote ya mucho sin saber de ti, bueno lo de amorsote me gustaria que fuera realidad y te lo digo porq te tengo mucho carino, pero no pierdo las esperanzas quien kita vea jejeje espero estes muy bien preciosas un besoteeeeeeeeeeee

    thank you, Just wanted to clarify!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Boyfriend flirting w/another via email? Yes or No?

    Ok - if you are sure you really want to know - here it goes, there is some slang so it is going to be a rather rough translation, however it is very accurate for its content:

    "Hello my great love it has been a while since I heard from you, well this about you being my great love I wish it were reality and I tell you that because I have a lot of love (feelings) for you, but I never lose hope, he who does loses (very rough translation of idomatic expression) ha ha ha - I hope you are doing well precious - a big kiss."

    It doesn't appear that there is a relationship between the two of them but he definitely wishes there were so yes he is definitely flirting with her.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Boyfriend flirting w/another via email? Yes or No?

    Thank you for translating...my bf says she's in guatamala (we're in the usa and that he knew her before me, prior to coming over here) and that he's only kidding with her. I told him I don't care where she is, but if she's his "great love" he can go where ever she is and have her!

    Again, thanks for the translation, I appreciate it.


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