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Thread: Otra vez yo tengo dificultades

  1. #1
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    Default Otra vez yo tengo dificultades

    Por favor ayudame con esa traduccion. Es un articulo desde Ecuador que trata del crisis de la deuda. Aui esta el parafo original y la traduccion mia despues. Estoy cierto que tiene muchos errores especialmente en las frases finales.

    Pero la crisis de la deuda no solo la enfrentan los Estados Unidos, también la Zona Euro, por lo que el desenlace es todavía imprevisible en un entorno macroeconómico mundializado. Según la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE), en junio, "aparecieron señales fuertes de inversión de los ciclos de crecimiento en los Estados Unidos, el Japón y Rusia". Y al Ecuador, sobre todo, debe preocuparle que, en este ambiente, el precio del petróleo siga bajando, ya que de poco le sirve una devaluación del dólar, porque su principal socio comercial siguen siendo los EEUU y debería recordar los sano que resulta tener un colchón para estas ocasiones.

    But the debt crisis not only faces the United States, also the Eurozone, so the outcome is unpredictable in a globalized macroeconomic environment. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in June, “investment showed strong signs of growth cycles in the United States, Japan and Russia.” And Ecuador, above all, should be concerned that, in this environment, the price of petroleum continues to fall, a devaluation of the dollar does not help, because its principle commercial partner continues to be the U.S. and it should remember that it is good to have a cushion for these occasions.

    Muchas gracias por los sugerencias!


  2. #2
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Otra vez yo tengo dificultades

    But [however?]the debt crisis it is not only faced by the United States but also by the Eurozone, so the outcome is still unpredictable in a globalized macroeconomic environment. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) —in June— “there were strong signs of the reverse of the growth cycles in the United States, Japan and Russia”. Ecuador, above all, should be concerned that in this environment the oil prices continue to fall, since a dollar devaluation will be of little use because its main commercial partner continues to be the U.S.A, and it should keep in mind that it is good to have a cushion to rely on for these occasions.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Otra vez yo tengo dificultades

    Hi Cotty,

    I hope you don't mind if I offer an alternative translation to this paragraph? I was halfway through translating it when I saw that you'd already posted your translation!

    The United States are not alone, the euro zone is also facing a debt crisis, which means that that the outcome remains unpredictable in the globalized world macroeconomic environment. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in June ‘There were strong signs of turning points in the growth cycles in the United States, Japan and Russia'. Ecuador, in particular should be worried in this climate as the price of oil continues to fall, taking into account that a drop in the value of the dollar would be of no help because the United States are still Ecuador's main business allies and they will do well to remember that it’s always good to have something to fall back on at times like this.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Otra vez yo tengo dificultades

    Hi Inglesa

    Of course not, don't be silly We are all trying to help the OP and my word is not the final word by any means. I'm just one of the contributors here. The more, the merrier!! Hehe. The whole purpose of this forum is for each translator to give their own version of the translation.

    As a matter of fact, I like your version a lot. Mine is not the best—I mostly worked on the OP's version, not on the original text. Your version reads well. I love it.

    But, I think I'd check these phrases though (for accuracy):

    Original: ...por lo que el desenlace es todavía imprevisible en un entorno macroeconómico mundializado.
    Yours: ...which means... (not too sure about that).

    Original: ...inversión de los ciclos..
    Yours: ...turning points... (again, not too sure, I prefer reverse).

    Original: ...que ... el precio del petróleo siga bajando... (this is subjuntive, hence, figurative)
    Yours: ...as the price of oil continues to fall... (sounds like fact).

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Otra vez yo tengo dificultades

    Hi Cotty,

    Thanks for your comments, I'm just starting out so it's helpful!

    Is consequently better than which means?

    The United States are not alone, the euro zone is also facing a debt crisis, consequently the outcome remains unpredictable in the globalized world macroeconomic environment.

    I found this sentence in a similar article and copied it:

    ‘There were strong signs of turning points in the growth cycles in the United States, Japan and Russia'.

    OECD points to slowdown in global economies :: Idealog :: the magazine and website of New Zealand creative business, ideas and innovation

    I sometimes have the feeling that articles are translated from English to Spanish and back to English again, changing a little with every translation, like Chinese whispers!

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