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Thread: Need Help to identify the antecedent of a relative clause.

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Need Help to identify the antecedent of a relative clause.

    Hi! I'm trying to translate this text from English to Spanish but I couldn't manage to identify the antecedent of this relative clause nor the true meaning of this sentence.

    "What accounts for Cohiba's reputation (and its price) is the quality of the tobacco harvested from the five best plantations in the Vuelta Abajo area and the extra fermentation of the filler leaves, which provide a cigar's flavor."

    Is the antecedent "extra fermentation of the filler leaves" or just "filler leaves"? And also, in "a cigar's flavor", is the indefinite article referring to "cigar" or the countable form of "flavor".

    I have two possible translations for this:

    "Lo que avala su reputación (y su precio) es la calidad del tabaco cultivado en las cinco mejores plantaciones del área de Vuelta Abajo y la fermentación extra a la que someten las hojas de «tripa», lo cual determina el sabor particular del habano."


    "Lo que avala su reputación (y su precio) es la calidad del tabaco cultivado en las cinco mejores plantaciones del área de Vuelta Abajo y la fermentación extra a la que someten las hojas de «tripa», hojas que determinan en gran parte el sabor del habano."

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Senior Member matiasc's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need Help to identify the antecedent of a relative clause.

    As a spanish native speaker, I think the one that suits more is the second one.
    which provide a cigar's flavor. ​That sentence speaks generally to cigars, not specifically to Cohibas ones.

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