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Thread: Please Heed my Request and check if this is correct!

  1. #1
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    Default Please Heed my Request and check if this is correct!

    Guys, Im back with a new problem, I have yet another coursework so I'd like all of you to check it. Just take a quick look at it and tell me if there's anything that needs changing.
    I translated this through a dictionary which is really not helpful in some cases.


    (This is just a guideline, I am trying to translate my work into Spanish, this is what it should look like in English):

    There are many environmental problems in our town Oxford. there's air pollution, littering which damages the environment. Most people don't care about the environment, one time, I saw my friends throwing litter at each other, it's horrible. 10 years ago, it was much worse, there we're more air pollution as the cars are not well made, before people didn't believe in Global Warming, Because the effects we're minimal, but now it has becoming a big threat.
    THIS IS MY TRANSLATION OF THE SPANISH(this is what you need to check)

    Existen muchos problemas del medio ambiente en nuestra ciudad de Oxford. hay contaminación del aire, basura que daña el medio ambiente. La mayoría de las personas no se preocupan por el medio ambiente, una vez, vi a mis amigos tirar basura el uno al otro, es horrible. Hace diez años, era mucho peor, no somos más la contaminación del aire como los coches no están bien hechos, antes que la gente no creía en el calentamiento global, porque los efectos que estamos mínima, pero ahora se ha vuelto una gran amenaza.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Please Heed my Request and check if this is correct!

    Hey there
    You will find several problems in the Spanish version cause there are horrible mistakes in the English version. "there we're more air pollution as .." -- "We're" means: "we are", not "were", and also, in this case it should be was. I would re check the Source first and then try translating it..
    Hope it helps

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Please Heed my Request and check if this is correct!

    Thanks for the advice! but now I need more help -_-

    There is a continuation to this:
    Right now it's better because people are trying to change their ways. Making cars more efficient, getting more bins. I would suggest to get more public transportation because I think that would reduce air pollution. Provide more bins so that people put their litter on the correct position. Compare to where I live, in Philippines, England is much better because it is much cleaner, because the city is well kept unlike in Philippines.
    Ahora es mejor porque la gente está tratando de cambiar sus costumbres. Hacer automóviles más eficientes, cada vez más contenedores. Yo sugeriría para obtener más transporte público, porque creo que reducirían la contaminación del aire. Proporcionar más contenedores para que la gente ponga su basura en la posición correcta. Compare con el lugar donde vivo, en Filipinas, Inglaterra es mucho mejor porque es mucho más limpio, porque la ciudad se encuentra bien atendido al contrario que en Filipinas.

    I've been asking people on what this means, but I am really not sure if it's correct or not, and I am using a dictionary so the -AR -ER -IR verbs might be incorrect, if you ahve any advice please say it. even if it's little it'll help me =)
    Last edited by Mr Spammer; 09-22-2010 at 04:05 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Please Heed my Request and check if this is correct!

    Existen muchos problemas ambientales en nuestra ciudad, Oxford.
    Hay contaminación en el aire, residuos que dañan el medio ambiente. A la mayoría de la gente no le importa el ambiente, una vez, yo vi a mis amigos arrojandose basura uno al otro, es horrible. 10 años atras, ésto era mucho peor, había mas contaminación en el aire ya que los automóviles no eran bien creados, antes la gente no creía en el calentamiento global, porque los efectos eran mínimos, pero ahora, éste se ha estado convirtiendo en una gran amenaza.

    Escribi mi versión sin leer la tuya, si quieres comparala, suerte.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Please Heed my Request and check if this is correct!

    Thank you very much, I can't thank you enough! =)

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