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Thread: Legal translation for "assignation"

  1. #1
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    Default Legal translation for "assignation"

    I appreciate your advice as I haven't made up my mind on whether to use "subpoena" or a "writ of summons." It's in the context of a call for witnesses to show in court. Thank you!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Legal translation for "assignation"

    A writ of summons is an official order for someone to appear in a court of law when they have been accused of committing an offense against someone. A subpoena is an official order to appear in court to provide evidence in a trial.

    Use a subpoena to require a person to provide evidence such as testimony or documents. Use a summons to notify a person that they are a party to a court action.

    "Summonses and subpoenas are both legal documents that call a person or business into a United States court, but the difference has to do with why. A summons is generally used to inform someone that they are actually a party to a lawsuit, usually as a defendant. In most cases this means that the person is being sued, and the document will both inform them of the action and put them on notice that they need to prepare a defense. A subpoena, on the other hand, is typically used to call witnesses to court. Lawyers for each side of a legal dispute are permitted to choose witnesses who will offer testimony in support of their version of events, and witnesses are usually required to attend. Subpoenas inform prospective witnesses that they have been called, and also usually set out details of when the trial is and what the penalties are for failing to appear. Both types of documents usually compel mandatory appearance, and ignoring them can have serious consequences."

    What is the Difference Between a Summons and a Subpoena?
    Last edited by vicente; 03-23-2018 at 04:55 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Legal translation for "assignation"

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente View Post
    A writ of summons is an official order for someone to appear in a court of law when they have been accused of committing an offense against someone. A subpoena is an official order to appear in court to provide evidence in a trial.
    What is the Difference Between a Summons and a Subpoena?
    Thank you, Vicente! This was definitely a "writ of summons" then as the defendant was summoned in court to be notified of what she was being accused of.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Legal translation for "assignation"

    Acte de procédure délivré par huissier de justice, par lequel le demandeur cite son adversaire à comparaître en justice.

    Source: Larousse

    assignation: subpoena

    citation: writ of summons

    Ville de Québec
    Last edited by reminder; 03-27-2018 at 10:28 AM.

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