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Thread: Cadaver List... for kidneys

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Cadaver List... for kidneys

    Hi everyone. Here is my first real post.

    I am a freelance medical interpreter for Spanish - English and entered the field professionally (after being trained through an accredited program, yay!) in January.

    So I am still a newby. I regularly get the opportunity to interpret for kidney transplant consultations and related appointments, and something that is coming up a lot is the term "cadaver list". I have emailed the interpreter who trained me and she is not familiar with the term (maybe something particular to my state...?).

    The medical professionals I work with use the term to refer to the waiting list for a kidney of a non living donor. But they don't say "cadaver waiting list" or anything else that I can make sense of a direct translation.

    So I usually say "lista de espera" or "lista de donantes fallecidos". The problem is I do not feel comfortable with my interpretation and am wondering if anyone out there has to interpret in this situation often and if there is a known standard interpretation.

    I know my patients are not very particular about it so long as they know what I mean, and the medical professionals do not even think twice about the awkward terminology that has become as common in their department as CT scan, MRI or IV in the medical field in general (haha)

    So, any feedback? I would greatly appreciate the help!

    Desde ya muchas gracias =D

    If there is any question about the use of the term please just ask; I will try to be more specific if needed.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Cadaver List... for kidneys

    Hi srtamolly,

    I think your translation is the closest and most accurate with the meaning implied by the term.

    Doing some research, I found an article here: Introduction , which contains a paragraph explaining the term "cadaver list". It is what I'd translate as "lista de espera", so I'll have to agree with your option.

    "In case a medically fit living donor is not available in the family, the patient’s name is registered in the cadaver (deceased) donor kidney transplantation waiting list. Cadaver list contains basic details and contact number of patients. Waiting time and medical fitness are two most important criteria for taking seniority for cadaver transplant. Cadaver transplant is totally uncertain and waiting time for cadaver transplant cannot be predicted for any patient. Once a cadaver donor comes, patients are called as per their seniority and medical fitness. One of the other important criteria is compatibility of blood group of patient and cadaver donor."

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Cadaver List... for kidneys

    Thank you for the feedback, Anas!

    I am still open and hoping to get as many opinions possible. "Cadaver list" is such a strange term. I admit I was quite taken aback when my trainer did not have something comparable to "cadaver list". Waiting to hear back from her as she has her sister in Mexico check it out.

  4. #4
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cadaver List... for kidneys


    Veo que no hay mucho material en línea sobre este tema.

    La expresión que se utiliza en la literatura que estoy leyendo es "lista de espera" que, en contexto, se interpreta como la "lista de espera para órganos de cadáveres".

    Como es habitual en inglés, la contracción produjo "cadaver list". En español, si el contexto es escaso o la intérprete desea aclarar más la expresión, habría que optar por una traducción más larga del tipo "lista de espera para órganos de cadáveres".

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Cadaver List... for kidneys

    Mmm. Muchísimas gracias, Reminder! Su explicación tiene mucho sentido.

    Tiene fuente o es que lo usa usted en el sector? Realmente le agradezco por la ayuda!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Cadaver List... for kidneys

    I agree with Anas. "Lista de espera" works well. If the context is well known by all the parties, there is no need to use "transplantes de riñón de cadáveres". However, sometimes you will need to include these words to clarify or compare different procedures.

  7. #7
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cadaver List... for kidneys


    ¡Qué alegría que haya sido de utilidad el foro!

    Explico un poco cómo es el razonamiento de esa traducción: "cadaver list" incluye información sobre la fuente de los órganos (cadáveres y no seres vivos); por lo tanto, incluyo esta distinción en la traducción.

    Del material de consulta online, destaco esta tesis doctoral específica sobre este tema:

    tesis doctoral

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