alguém sabe como se traduzem as palavras camper van ou motorhome?.
alguém sabe como se traduzem as palavras camper van ou motorhome?.
Se dice "casa rodante" o "casilla rodante"
Hope it helps!
gracias por la ayuda . Entre los enlaces que me diste vi uno de traducción español - portugués y allí también encontré la palabra en portugués que es nada más que motorhome ou trailer. Well, well!
I guess you're mistaken, in my dictionary "motorhome" is "autocaravana", or just "caravana", and "trailer" doesn't exist either in Portuguese and its translation is "reboque".
"Casa rodante" or "casilla rodante" (funny names) maybe in Spanish, yes, but not in Portuguese.
PS: The word "camper" means "campismo" (camping).
Last edited by Faraó; 04-28-2009 at 08:27 PM.
Acho que vou optar por 'autocaravana' em portugues.
A palavra casa rodante em espanhol parece-me muito 'cute' (cute ???= giro/a ???)
Encontrei as palavras motorhome e trailer em outro sítio web de traducao , mas bem percebo que sao importacoes do ingles
Be careful of the word trailer. In American English it is somewhere you can live, and people do live permanently in these vehicles in the US, especially in poorer neighbourhoods. In British English we might say 'mobile home'. In Britain you pull a trailer behind a car, i.e. it trails behind. It´s quite small and you certainly couldnt live in it! We use trailers here for transporting stuff that won't fit into the car. (reboque -ptg remolque-esp)
desculpem - I don't have cedilla or tilde on the a or e on this computer at the moment
Cuidado: as palavras que diz serem "importação" não são importadas de forma alguma, pelo menos para PT europeu.
Se optou pela minha sugestão, optou pelo correcto.
"Trailer" em português, pelo menos no meu, só tem um significado - o que eu lhe referi: "reboque". Se têm significados diferentes nessas duas variantes de inglês, não significa que em português seja necessariamente a mesma coisa.
Para os termos que diz serem "cute" talvez pudesse ter encontrado outra coisa "engraçada" como "casa móvel", mas isto é de certa forma também outra invenção muito "cute".
I appreciate your reply Faraon but I don't think we are here to argue or to prove a point, just to share about the intricacies of usage in different languages,which may not be correct all the time, and to weigh up all the various strands of information that we receive. Anyway , that's what I perceive this forum to be about.
Mem 286 of course gave the translations in Spanish and very kindly gave me a link which also linked to another translation forum which asked the same question as I did, and a different answer to yours was given, with links to current usage. Of course that may have been BP usage, and may have been simply imported stuff which happens whether we like it or not. So then we have to weigh all the options.
I'm not here to argue or to prove anything, I gave you my suggestion, explanation and help, as per my knowledge of European Portuguese, that's all. I think I was very clear in my messages; I don't understand the "argue" matter...
Yes Pollyglott... it's in Spanish!Originally Posted by pollyglott
Anyway I'm glad the links helped you!!
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