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Thread: Need Help to translate spanish News!!! plz!

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xzone
    Hi again, after alot of work ive think ive managed to translate it, please be gentle if my translation isnt good:

    Agentes de la Policía Nacional han desarticulado un grupo organizado de ciudadanos chinos en la operación más importante realizada en España contra la piratería audiovisual, según fuentes policiales. Después de más de tres meses de investigaciones, se ha logrado detener a los seis integrantes de esta organización, cinco hombres y una mujer, y localizar los tres almacenes del grupo en Leganés y un centro de duplicación y montaje ubicado en Arganda del Rey, todos ellos en la provincia de Madrid.

    Entre los efectos intervenidos se encuentran más de 155.000 soportes digitales (cd y dvd), algunos vírgenes y otros ya grabados, y 20 torres politostadoras, con un total de 240 bocas grabadoras que permitían a la organización disponer de unas 80.000 copias piratas al día. Se estima que los detenidos podrían obtener unos ingresos diarios cercanos a los 240.000 euros con la venta de todas las unidades.
    La operación, denominada Ave, ha sido realizada por el Grupo de Delitos contra la Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial de la UDEV-Central, perteneciente a la Comisaría General de Policía Judicial, en colaboración con la Brigada de Policía Judicial de Madrid.

    Agents of the National Police have put out of action a group organized of Chinese citizens in the most important operation conducted in Spain against the audio-visual piracy, according to police sources. After more than three months of investigations, he has managed himself to stop to the six members of this organization, five men and one woman, and to locate to the three warehouses of the group in Leganés and a center of duplication and assembly located in Arganda of the King, all of them in the province of Madrid.

    Between the taken part effects they are more than 155,000 digital supports (CD and dvd), some virgins and another already recorded, and 20 politostadoras towers, with a total of 240 recording mouths that allowed the organization to have 80,000 pirate copies to the day. Esteem that the prisoners could obtain daily income near the 240,000 Euros with the sale of all the units.
    The operation, denominated Bird, has been conducted by the Group of Crimes against the Intellectual and Industrial Property of UDEV-Power station, pertaining to the General Police station of Judicial Police, in collaboration with the Brigade of Judicial Police of Madrid.

    Hi, my friend Xzone, i don't undestand if you are thinking we are stupid or just blind.

    Exxcentrica is right, your translaction is due to a program...Babel Fish or something else, i don't know, and i'm sure about it because the coloured words above.

    In red are the mistakes you have done and it's curious you didn't make one in your english text.
    In Green the words you shouldn't transate (but the program you used couldn't know that ) and in purple the words you should translate (but this time the program didn't know how to manage them and not even you...strange, isn't it? )

    I think your excuses to Exxcentrica will be much appreciated.

    So long

  2. #12
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    I really appreciate your post , Ita.

  3. #13
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    What a shame! They ask for help and then they are so disrespectful! I think we don't deserve that...

    What a shame...

  4. #14
    Forum User Leslie M's Avatar
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    Default Politostadoras

    I will try to interject some light on the translation. you could use National

    Police agents. Also... the most important sting operation.

    Seond paragraph: Among the items taken....

    Some unrecorded and others prerecorded.

    Politostadoras is defined as large-scale duplicators.

    Finally " It is estimated that the detainees could obtain..." I hope the

    clarafications were not too confusing.

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