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Thread: Translating a small convo but having trouble.

  1. #1
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    Default Translating a small convo but having trouble.

    I am translating a conversation and have most of it done. My Spanish is not perfect yet and I think one of the people in the convo does not know how to write spanish so I am having trouble with the words. Can someone help? This is the part I am having trouble with...

    si. seguis pensando en John?

    Si estavamos pero era mu pronto...despues de John para mi

    no estaban de noviossssssssssssssss??

    The middle sentence is throwing me off...Thanks for any help

  2. #2
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Translating a small convo but having trouble.

    HI Kathy,
    it's a simple conversation but with some misspellings

    si. seguis pensando en John? Yes. Do you still think about John?

    Si estavamos pero era mu pronto...despues de John para mi

    There are two possibilities here for this translation.
    Yes, we were but it was too soon...for me, after John.
    (yes, we were together but it was too soon for me after John)

    no estaban de noviossssssssssssssss??
    weren't you dating?/ going out?

    hope it helps
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Translating a small convo but having trouble.

    I think the girls are talking about two different boys...
    On the one hand, one of the girls dated John, and the other one is asking if she still thinks about him, her former date. On the other hand, the girl who dated John, began dating a new boy, but she realised it was too soon for a new date.

    To tell you the truth, I read the lines you pasted right upside down:

    no estaban de noviossssssssssssssss??
    Sí, estábamos pero era muy pronto...después de John para mí
    sí. seguís pensando en John?

    This way makes more sense, don't you think so?

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