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Thread: I need your help!

  1. #1
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    Default I need your help!

    Dear All

    While I was doing some research on Google, I found your website which caught my attention. I am a French student working on a Master's Degree's research paper about Spanglish as a new language. I took the liberty of contacting you because I am confronted with a problem: I am desperately looking for articles or blogs written in Spanglish - a mixture of English and Spanish basically - BUT with a majority of English.

    Do you know of any newspapers or blogs online using Spanglish in their articles? I would greatly appreciate your help.

    Yours faithfully


  2. #2
    IUS is offline
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    Exclamation Re: I need your help!

    Quote Originally Posted by izzie31
    Dear All

    While I was doing some research on Google, I found your website which caught my attention. I am a French student working on a Master's Degree's research paper about Spanglish as a new language. I took the liberty of contacting you because I am confronted with a problem: I am desperately looking for articles or blogs written in Spanglish - a mixture of English and Spanish basically - BUT with a majority of English.

    Do you know of any newspapers or blogs online using Spanglish in their articles? I would greatly appreciate your help.

    Yours faithfully

    Estás asumiendo que el Spanglish existe..... creo que falta mucho para que exista, quizás más de 100 años... pero me parece muy interesante tu investigación, y sería interesante que nos cuentes tus avances..

  3. #3
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    Default Re: I need your help!

    I don't know of any place that writes using spanlish, nor am I sure if what I will say here is 100% correct but I live on the US/Mexico border and from what I know as spanlish there is no rhythm or reason to it, the speaker merely uses what spanish he knows and throws it into whatever is being said. Such as "vamonos to my casa and we'll tome a few cervezas".
    There may be some words that blend in better but I don't see it as becoming a new language.
    This is just my experience though, maybe others can tell you more.

  4. #4
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: I need your help!

    Since it's NOT a new language, I don't think you'll find web pages written IN Spanglish (maybe ABOUT), just comments maybe or some informal post written by someone who writes the way he/she speaks... But I've never seen anything like articles or blogs written in Spanglish.

    Instead, you can find something like a glossary. You'll find some useful examples in this forum, right here: http://www.english-spanish-translato...ight=spanglish

    or here: http://www.english-spanish-translato...ight=spanglish

    Some other pages:

    Hope it helps!
    Last edited by mem286; 09-06-2008 at 06:05 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member seeker50's Avatar
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    Default Re: I need your help!

    Quote Originally Posted by izzie31
    Dear All

    While I was doing some research on Google, I found your website which caught my attention. I am a French student working on a Master's Degree's research paper about Spanglish as a new language. I took the liberty of contacting you because I am confronted with a problem: I am desperately looking for articles or blogs written in Spanglish - a mixture of English and Spanish basically - BUT with a majority of English.

    Do you know of any newspapers or blogs online using Spanglish in their articles? I would greatly appreciate your help.

    Yours faithfully


    I guess this is not the right site to meet your needs. I'm not intending to speak for everyone else as members of this forum, however, I don't think they will have information off the cuff concerning articles written in Spanglish, a deviation of the regular and usual course of the Spanish language, and spoken by those who regard this practice as normal(because it is ordinary and/or trivial for them to set the native Spanish-speaking people figuring out what "marketta" means when in fact what they meant to say(and should've said) is "mercado".
    I also guess that the articles you're looking for are on the Internet beyond any doubt, as the web has become a suitable niche for those who stand behind the practice of such linguistical inconsistency.

    Anyway, I would appreciate if you tell me what your findings have been so far on this regard, since I have no idea where on the web I can find blogs freely written in this «new Spanish language adjustment».

    Good luck.


  6. #6
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: I need your help!

    Quote Originally Posted by seeker50
    I also guess that the articles you're looking for are on the Internet beyond any doubt
    Really??? Is there such a thing?

    (I know Spanglish exists, but not in written articles or blogs as a new kind of languague (really confused)

    Best regards!
    Last edited by mem286; 09-12-2008 at 06:05 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member seeker50's Avatar
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    Default Re: I need your help!

    No,no... I can only guess about it. For all I've known, there have been already certain ways here in the states aimed to apparently illustrate the Spanglish as the making of the new American language(books addressing its use, movies such as "Spanglish", etc.). In my opinion, those are just attempts to support this new way of verbal communication which is not so far from becoming a written one.

    Anyway, perhaps time has come to start making inquiries. I mean, I might make inquiries on the use and/or acceptance of Spanglish in written forms.


    Last edited by seeker50; 09-12-2008 at 06:06 PM.

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