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Thread: Need Help Translating, History Research

  1. #1
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    Default Need Help Translating, History Research

    Hi all, I am a Filipino-American historian doing research on Filipino history (on this article I'm doing on ancient Filipino cooking traditions) and many of my subject matter are in Spanish. I have limited knowledge of the language (just the very basic) and much of the sources are in classical Spanish.

    I'm currently trying to decipher an old Tagalog dictionary and one of the entries stumped me because its very technical, I am wondering if any of you people can help me.

    It's as follows:

    "Agráz : Iba pc : de la tierra, rutilla agria y blanca, con un gueseçillo dentro, conservada pareçe gindi en conserva, ybaan mo ang la oya, hecha agraz en la olla."

    Salamat/Gracias in advanced,


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Need Help Translating, History Research

    Welcome Cheesetorian. That's an excellent topic.
    I can only understand a few words in Spanish. Do you get it from this link? Maybe the creators of the website can help you too.

    Vocabulario de Lengua Tagala: 32

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need Help Translating, History Research

    I remember when I read Rizal's "Noli me tangere" and some expressions were very tricky because they are made of Spanish, Tagalog, a mix and some variations.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Need Help Translating, History Research

    Yes it's from San Buenaventura's diccionario. Many of the words in this time period are not used in modern Spanish (as it would be to any language day obviously). I had to modernize some of the spelling for some of the Spanish dictionaries to recognize, but many (esp. many nouns) I had to get from other Iberian languages that still use them to some degree (Portuguese a lot, Asturian, etc.) There were a few terms I had found in Italian, Latin, Occitan, and Provencal translations online.

    Also please this phrase: "...aguelo segun es costumbre, que es a dos gantas devino acabado de haçer, hechar media de agua, para que lo temple."
    Last edited by Cheesetorian; 06-21-2017 at 12:53 PM. Reason: Grammar/spelling

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Need Help Translating, History Research

    Yes it's from San Buenaventura's diccionario. Many of the words in this time period are not used in modern Spanish (as would be the case in most modern language). I had to modernize some of the spelling for most of the dictionaries to recognize the words, but many (esp. many nouns regarding to tools) I had to get from other Iberian languages that still use them to some degree (Portuguese a lot, Asturian, etc.) There's a couple of terms I had found in Italian, Latin, Occitan, and Provencal translations online.

    Also please this phrase: "...aguelo segun es costumbre, que es a dos gantas devino acabado de haçer, hechar media de agua, para que lo temple."

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Need Help Translating, History Research

    Sorry, but that first sentence was very difficult. This one is better. "Ganta" is the word that I couldn't get at first sight, but I've found that it is a unit: https://sizes.com/units/ganta.htm
    Without the referred object, I would say that this is a rough translation: "dilute it as usual: add half ganta of water to two gantas of new wine to soften it"
    I hope it helps. Do you have more information?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Need Help Translating, History Research

    Yes thank you. I actually know the general translation but I wanted if someone can translate it a little more...suave/fluidly, yours is actually better than mine.

    And yes thank you I'm familiar with both old Spanish and pre-Hispanic Filipino units of measurements.

    PS Like what info?

    PPS Also why is it so hard to type in this forum...like there's a delay?
    Last edited by Cheesetorian; 06-21-2017 at 12:56 PM. Reason: Post note

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Need Help Translating, History Research

    You are welcome. My translation still needs to be polished. Let's wait if someone can help.

    If you have more details about the sentence, it may be clearer. You are also welcome to post more questions.

    There may have been a delay in our server.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Need Help Translating, History Research

    The sentence entry is 'aguar' the specific definition for this entry is "el vino para vendello como usan haçer los vinateros" which obviously mean "aguar as in to water down wine like winemakers (tend) to do".

    The Tagalog definition given is 'banloag' which I think (as a modern speaker and I'm almost certain of this because the examples given) is referring to the word "banlaw" (to rinse).

    I only inquired about that last sentence because I thought it might have historical significance in terms of wine making practice, but I will include the rest of the entry's examples (Spanish translation only because I doubt anyone here speaks Tagalog), here they are:

    "...no agues el vino que ubieres de bender..."

    "...as aguado el vino que bendes?..."

    I will post random sentences as I comb through dictionary, and if you (readers) can translate those that you can, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Need Help Translating, History Research

    They do have some value about the selling practices.
    Here are the current spellings and plain translations.

    "...no agues el vino que hubieres de vender..." Don't dilute/water down the wine that you will sell.

    "...has aguado el vino que vendes?..." Did you dilute/water down the wine that you sell?

    Let us know if we can help.

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