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Thread: Spanish language

  1. #1
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    Default Spanish language

    I’m studying Spanish in Madrid and enjoying it greatly – I’ve been in the city for almost a year now, feel have integrated well and can use my Spanish confidently. It’s been such a good experience that once university finishes, I’m considering another (albeit shorter) language learning trip – an Italian course in Italy or perhaps something a little more exotic. I’ve found Spanish to the majority of Europe’s big cities so the world really is my oyster – I need to decide what’s best for me; I need advice! Being a competent Spanish speaker, I think Italian is probably the best option given that it is so similar to Spanish. Bearing in mind I will only have 6 weeks in my destination, the easiness factor is a very important one! German appeals because of its utility (I am studying business alongside Spanish and the German industry interests me greatly) but I think it would be difficult to get a useful (as in capability of using it professionally) understanding of a language in just 6 weeks. I also want sun! Please, all advice would be very much welcome!
    Last edited by IUS; 06-05-2008 at 06:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias...quizás sea buena elección lo de italiano, ya que es un idioma similar , le gente es encantadora y ¡¡hay mucho sol!

    También es verdad que el italiano no es ni mucho tan parecido como la gente se cree, pero bueno, más que el alemán desde luego. Sin embargo, no creo que en 6 semanas puedas aprender mucho.
    Last edited by exxcéntrica; 07-03-2008 at 12:56 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Hi Dianne,
    Spanish is your second language, and I think that if you study Italian now,
    you may get confused and mix these two languages up.
    That’s what happened to me.
    I think French is interesting.
    French is a very important language in Europe, and in Canada
    and in Tahiti if you really want the sun...
    There is plenty of sunshine in the south of France at “La côte d’azur”,
    places like Cannes and Nice and Monte Carlo do ring a bell !
    Keep us posted !
    Kindest regards,
    beste groeten - sincères salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  4. #4
    Senior Member Julio Jaubert's Avatar
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    May be Portugal could be a good option too. No matter you choose Italy or Portugal, you don't need to master Italian or Portuguese. If you talk in Spanish they can undertand you in a basic way; the same way, if they speak Italian or Portuguese, you could understand most of the message.

    Of course, studying another language is always better in order to immerse in the culture of the country.


  5. #5
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    Whether Italian or Portuguese, both are good options. They are very similar to Spanish...Good luck!!

  6. #6
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    Hello Dianne,

    learning German will give you a good advantage as you stated that it is an important industry, but I am afraid that 6 weeks are just to short to learn. It is quite a difficult language.

    I agree with Frank that you should learn French instead of Italian. You have more possibilities worldwide to actually use it.

    Hope that helps,

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