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Thread: Fui/Era

  1. #1
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    Default Fui/Era

    Is there any trick or advice you could give me to understand how to seperate the difference.. between Fui/Era.. I understand that one is imperfect and the other is preterit but I still can't grasp the Idea..

  2. #2
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    fui could be I was / I've been

    era means "I used to be" or "It used to be" depending on the context / person

    Also, for instance "where was it"? referring to a place means "dónde era?"

    hope it helps

  3. #3
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    Default fui/era

    Quote Originally Posted by nickdisipio
    Is there any trick or advice you could give me to understand how to seperate the difference.. between Fui/Era.. I understand that one is imperfect and the other is preterit but I still can't grasp the Idea..
    The context is important. For example:
    Yo era un niño cuando asesinaron a Kennedy. I was a boy when Kennedy was murdered.
    Yo fui un tonto cuando vendí mi casa. I was a fool when I sold my house.

    There are not interchangeable in those sentences. "Era" is an action that continued for certain time. "Fui" is something that only lasted a few moments. At least, that´s the way I use them.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by fernando el casir
    The context is important. For example:
    Yo era un niño cuando asesinaron a Kennedy. I was a boy when Kennedy was murdered.
    Yo fui un tonto cuando vendí mi casa. I was a fool when I sold my house.

    There are not interchangeable in those sentences. "Era" is an action that continued for certain time. "Fui" is something that only lasted a few moments. At least, that´s the way I use them.
    Thank you so much.. that REALLY helps me, I new it was a continued action but I didnt quite understand what that meant but your explanation helped me alot.. thank you!

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