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Thread: Help me with "In memory of"

  1. #1
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    Default Help me with "In memory of"

    I am working on a surprise project for a friend. His father recently passed away and I am making a collage of sorts with some old photos that I have (for Father's Day).
    Here is the thing I need help with; I don't speak Spanish but my friend's family does.

    Can anyone please tell me if these are correct, and if not, what is?

    In memory of (his name here)
    En recuerdo de
    En memoria de


    December 14, 1932 ~ March 30, 2016
    14 de Diciembre de 1932 ~ 31 de Marzo de 2016

    I don't know if it makes any difference but his family is from South America. Thank you, if you can help it will be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by AceJones; 05-14-2016 at 05:38 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Help me with "In memory of"


    I'd say "En recuerdo de" and "A la memoria de".

    Also, months are not capitalized in Spanish unless they have a period before. In your case, it will be 14 de diciembre de 1932 ~ 31 de marzo de 2016

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Help me with "In memory of"

    Hi Ace. Both are correct. But I'd say "En memoria de"
    If you check in Google, "en memoria.." has more than 136k of entries while "en recuerdo..." has 51k

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Help me with "In memory of"

    "A la memoria de..." "En memoria de..." both sound better for these ocassions.
    "En memoria de..." is more used in South America than "A la memoria de..."

    You are a very good friend

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Help me with "In memory of"

    As both Analaura and Santiago replied, in South America it is more of frequent use the option "En memoria de...". One situation in which this can be found for instance, is any award ceremony, such as The Oscars, in which past away stars are recognized because of their legacy to cinema and culture. Cheers. Marcos

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