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Thread: Translate - explaination - interpreter of a disussion from Spanish to English

  1. #1
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    Default Translate - explaination - interpreter of a disussion from Spanish to English

    Marie : carliviris, lo que nos contamos no sale de nosotros dos cierto?
    Ni siquiera a nuestras parejas no?

    James : si por ue la pregunta
    esto es como dice un dicho lo que pase en las vegas se queda en las vegas

    Marie : es que cuando me dijiste que no acelerara las cosas como que fue un poco tarde..

    James : si por que

    Marie : que piensas que fue

    James :lo mismo que paso con migo

    Marie : Si

    James : Ya

    Thanks in advance gentlemen and girls, have a great day!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Translate - explaination - interpreter of a disussion from Spanish to English


    What is exactly what you need here?

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Default Re: Translate - explaination - interpreter of a disussion from Spanish to English

    Marie : carliviris, which we are not coming out of the two of us true?
    Even our couples not?

    James : If by EU The question
    this is as the saying what happens in Vegas stays in Las Vegas

    Marie : is that when you told me that not expedite the things like that was a little late.

    James : if by that

    Marie : you think that was

    James :The same as step with me

    Marie : If

    James : Already

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