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Thread: Which Spanish?

  1. #1
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    Default Which Spanish?

    Good morning. I have a question that seems to belong in this section. I apologize if this is covered elswhere but my searches cannot find this question.

    My wife and I are Americans and want our children to learn Spanish. We want them to read, write and speak Spanish. Our 4 children are home schooled and several of the Spanish language programs we have looked at seem to teach a 'street Spanish', not formal, academic/diplomatic Spanish.

    Is Castillian Spanish what we are looking for? What resources would you recommend we pursue? We live in a rural area and would not be able to go into a major city for classes. CDs/DVDs or online programs would be best. We have found a number of these on the Internet but would prefer a recommendation from subject matter experts.

    Thank you very much.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Julio Jaubert's Avatar
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    Hello ssol,

    If you live in the U.S.A. I think it would be preferable your kids learn Mexican Spanish due to the probabiliy that they most of the time will speak with Mexicans. I could add that the difference among different variations is not so big, and it's not a problem if you teach e.g. Mexican Spanish and they speak with a Peruvian or a Colombian. The most important difference is the conjugation of the verbs, due to there are differences among Spanish from Spain, Mexican and Argentinian Spanish.

    Talking about "street Spanish", I strongly recommend your kids learn "standard Spanish", I mean, the academic Spanish.
    Every language can be represented by a pyramid in which we can put every variation of that language, but "standard" is always at the top of the pyramid. People who learn a "standard" language, can go to the bottom of the pyramid and talk, e.g. slang, but the opposite (be on the bottom and try to speak the "standard" language) is very difficult.

  3. #3
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    Mr. Jaubert, Thank you for your post. Academic Spanish is what we will pursue. Can you recommend online sources for effective learning?

    Thank you,

  4. #4
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    Would anyone comment on the relative merits of using Rosetta Stone vs. Berlitz online programs?

  5. #5
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    Default Online source for effective learning

    Quote Originally Posted by ssol
    Mr. Jaubert, Thank you for your post. Academic Spanish is what we will pursue. Can you recommend online sources for effective learning?

    Thank you,


    I read your messages and I think I can help you. I suggest you try http://spanish.online-spanisch.com/spanish/ I'm taking classes there and they are really good. My teacher is nice and she clarified many doubts I had for a long time about Spanish. I can say I learn a lot every class.

    Good luck!!

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