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Thread: Roller wave gauge

  1. #1
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    Default Roller wave gauge

    I'm working on a translation that deals with the manufacturing of glass. Does anyone know what a "roller wave gauge" is? I know it measures waves created on glass, but what's the Spanish equivalent?
    Many thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    I think this roller wave gauget could be translated as "indicador del nivel de ondulaciones" according to your own expression that it is used to measure the level of the waves but for what I understand it could also be used to measure how the waves are flatened (roller wave)? in the glass? perhaps?
    If so, then it could be translated as indicador del nivel de alisamiento de las ondulaciones or something like that. I am not so convinced with the word alisamiento but I don't really know what is the right word to explain the process of "flattening a wave".
    Hope this helps...
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  3. #3
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Calibrador del RoLL-WAVE (ondulaciones por rodillo). Mirá este link que encontré http://www.ventanaenlaweb.com.ar/ver...=7&id_nota=199
    Aunque "indicador del nivel de ondulaciones" que sugirió SandraT me parece correcto. Tal vez habría que aclarar "por rodillo"

    Hope it helps!

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