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Thread: Honduras Medical Mission

  1. #1
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    Default Honduras Medical Mission

    I will be going to Honduras on a medical mission trip this summer. I am trying to communicate with a Honduran doctor I will be working with but having little luck. Would someone be so kind as to translate this? I may need more assistance in the future if that is OK. Thanks.


    Hola Shawn y Dianne es un placer volver a saber de ustedes disculpen que no les habíamos contestado hemos estado arreglando algunas cosas por aquí gracias a Dios estamos bien solo que tenemos una nueva noticia para ustedes este año tendremos un bebe para el mes de octubre, estamos esperándoles para la brigada que pesar que su esposa no estará este año digale que mi esposa y yo estamos orando para que ella se tenga mucha salud, aquí en la clínica tenemos muchas necesidades estamos necesitando un microscopio para hacer exames y también una centrifuga. Mi esposa dice que si puede ayudarle trayendole las pastillas de la migraña y si puede traer también para la clínica por que tiene muchos pacientes con este problema.

    Queremos saber cuantas personas vienen a la brigada y cual es su especialidad para saber que grupos de ayuda necesitamos formar y buscar traductores para ellos. me dijo Carlos Montoya que le envió ya la lista de medicamentos estos medicamentos que traigan nos van ayudar mucho ya que estamos un poco bajos de medicamentos en la clínica gracias por venir a ayudarnos necesitamos mucho su apoyo yo se que Dios va a continuar bendiciendoles les amamos mucho.

    God bless you Carlos y Karina Aguilar

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Hi Amvet. Here is a translation of the letter. Hope it helps
    Good luck on the mission. May God be with you all

    Hi Shawn and Dianne. It’s good to hear from you again. I apologize for not having answered sooner; we have been fixing and arranging certain things around here. We are ok, thanks God, and we have some news for you. We are having a baby next October. We are expecting you to set up the brigade, even though your wife will not be in it this year. Please tell her that my wife and I will be praying for her health. Here at the clinic we are in need of many things. We need a microscope to run the tests and a centrifuge.
    My wife would be grateful if you could bring migraine pills for her and for the clinic because there are lots of patents suffering that illness.

    We would like to know how many people are coming to the brigade and their specializations in order to figure out the help groups that can be formed and find some translators for them. Carlos Montoya told me that he had already sent you the list of medications. These medications will be of great help, since we are running short of them at the clinic. Thanks for coming; we really need your support. I know God will continue blessing you. We love you deeply.

    God bless you Carlos and Karina Aguilar

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  3. #3
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    Thanks Hebe!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Honduras Medical Mission

    Hi my names Cristian Paz, I read your message and wanted to know if your still interested in a translator , Im originally from Florida but my parents are from Honduras, Im currently residing in Honduras , thanks
    Last edited by saidz; 10-10-2008 at 02:54 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Honduras Medical Mission

    Quote Originally Posted by Cristian Paz
    Hi my names Cristian Paz, I read your message and wanted to know if your still interested in a translator , Im originally from Florida but my parents are from Honduras, Im currently residing in Honduras , thanks
    I am going to Honduras (SULA) in Jan 09 with my B.I.L (opthamalogist) and my sister (his nurse) to help with a medical mission. Can you give me any tips? I am nervous but excited. Roni

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Honduras Medical Mission

    Hi, sorry I couldn´t answer you sooner , I was out of the country, well Im assuming you´re already in Honduras, but if you need any tips , help or advice , dont hesitate to ask, take care bye.

  7. #7
    Senior Member seeker50's Avatar
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    Default Re: Honduras Medical Mission

    Quote Originally Posted by Cristian Paz
    Hi, sorry I couldn´t answer you sooner , I was out of the country, well Im assuming you´re already in Honduras, but if you need any tips , help or advice , dont hesitate to ask, take care bye.
    Mis estimados:
    Según parece, esta cadena de mensajes fué abierta hace ya algún tiempo. Está pues,obsoleta. Claramente, esto nos dice que de acuerdo tanto a su naturaleza como a quienes la misma es dirigida, el consejo en estos momentos, especialmente para Christian y Roni, no sería del todo malo:
    Hagan uso del enlace correspondiente que hay en este foro, el cual permite el envío de correo electrónico directamente de forista a forista. ¿Me explico? -Eso, sin duda, les dará mejores resultados.


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