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Thread: matrimonio

  1. #11
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    Default Re: matrimonio

    Agreed Joel. (but you left out ship's captain...hahaha)

  2. #12
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    Default Re: matrimonio

    Well Guys... I am still surprised to see how much you know!!! God bless you all.
    After reading all your posts "Marriage" is definetely the word that i'll use.

    Thanks all

  3. #13
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    Default Re: matrimonio

    In Venezuela we differenciate between “matrimonio civil” (the only legally valid marriage according to law) and “matrimonio religioso”; I believe this difference is clearly understood in English:

    “Civil marriage is a contractual arrangement of rights and responsibilities entered into by two persons and the government. Religious marriage is defined by a church, mosque or synagogue however they see fit.
    Even before the right to civil marriage was granted to all Californians, gays and lesbians were entering into religious marriages in California, and they will continue to do so even if Proposition 8 passes. The question is whether it is fair for the Government to recognize only some denominations’ marriages while not recognizing others’.”

  4. #14
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    Default Re: matrimonio

    In Venezuela we differenciate “matrimonio civil” (the only legally valid marriage according to law) from “matrimonio religioso”; I believe this difference is clearly understood in English:

    “Civil marriage is a contractual arrangement of rights and responsibilities entered into by two persons and the government. Religious marriage is defined by a church, mosque or synagogue however they see fit.”

    P.S.: I had quoted another sentence of this site, but one of the words used is prohibited (blacklisted) in this forum. :-(



  5. #15
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: matrimonio

    Quote Originally Posted by Manceber
    In Venezuela we differenciate between “matrimonio civil” (the only legally valid marriage according to law) and “matrimonio religioso”; I believe this difference is clearly understood in English:

    “Civil marriage is a contractual arrangement of rights and responsibilities entered into by two persons and the government. Religious marriage is defined by a church, mosque or synagogue however they see fit.
    It's the same in Argentina Manuel

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