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Thread: terminos legales de spanish-english

  1. #1
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    Default terminos legales de spanish-english


    Estoy traduciendo un texto para el juzgado en Inglaterra y me gustaria que me dieseis alguna idea.

    Algunas expresiones las he traducido utilizando un diccionario no legal y si es posible mejorar la expresion por una mas usual en una apelacion ante el juzgado, y otras simplemente no se
    como expresarlas;

    Para la expresion
    (YO), ante el juzgado comparece y dice: Before the Court appears and says:

    Que mediante el presente escrito apela la Decision...(ni idea de como traducirlo)

    Suplico al juzgado se sirva admitir el presente escrito de apelacion contra...:
    I plead to the Courts to take into consideration all the allegations explained and accepts the appeal against..

    En su virtud , In its virtue

    Al juzgado suplica: se sirve acordar de conformidad con lo solicitado en los precedentes otrosies (tras los diversos OTROSIES expuestos);
    I hereby plead to the Court accepts what required in the foregoing.

    si me podeis ayudar un poco,

    muy agradecida,

  2. #2
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    Default Re: terminos legales de spanish-english

    I am not a translator of legal documents so I will not presume to say what is correct or incorrect; however, I have some experience with court matters and I offer these minor suggestions:

    (YO), ante el juzgado comparece y dice: Before the Court appears and says (I believe the appropriate word in this instance is declares):

    Suplico al juzgado se sirva admitir el presente escrito de apelacion contra...: I plead to the Courts to take into consideration all the allegations explained and accepts the appeal against..

    In the above instance I think the accepted word when asking something of the court is beg. "beg (ask) the court to take into consideration...".

    The word plead is used to describe the attorney's presentation of the case, i.e., to plead (state) the case before the court, or to plead (state)one's innocence or guilt.

    While "al juzgado" means "to the court" the word "to" is implied and not used in English. One would beg the court or beg of the court or plead (the case or matter) before the court.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: terminos legales de spanish-english

    Gracias Por La Ayuda, Muy Util


  4. #4
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: terminos legales de spanish-english

    Quote Originally Posted by PIZZOSOFIA
    Que mediante el presente escrito apela la Decision...(ni idea de como traducirlo)
    Hola PIZZOSOFIA. Una opción pare esta farse sería: "Who hereby introduces an appeal against the decision......

    Hope it helps

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