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Thread: Imputacion, Novacion

  1. #1
    Forum User
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    Question Imputacion, Novacion

    Hello! Here I am again with a new contract, this time it is like a review exam for Uniersity. I hope you can give me your opinion.
    My translation first, the paragraph in spanish below, thanks !!!
    (I am not sure of the use of IMPUTACIÓN, and NOVACION)

    The parties agree of a an anual interest rate of XX, plus taxes which shall be payed with the charged amount.
    The debtor effectuates the expressed debt by issuing the creditor a voucher of equal amount, term and expiration date to the expressed concept, not meaning by this, the replacement of the obligation. The Creditor binds itself to record on the back of the voucher, any partial payment made by the Debtor, as well as any charge or compensation to be made as per the following clause".

    "La expresada deuda se instrumenta en un vale que la parte DEUDORA suscribe y entrega a la ACREEDORA, por igual, monto, plazo y vencimiento que los expresados, no implicando la existencia de dicho vale novación de obligación.- LA ACREEDORA se obliga a anotar al dorso del citado vale, cualquier pago parcial que realizara EL DEUDOR, así como cualquier imputación o compensación que se realice en virtud de lo que se establecerá en la cláusula siguiente"

  2. #2
    Forum User Araguaney's Avatar
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    Default Re: Imputacion, Novacion

    Sorry, but I am not clear about the original text and your translation.


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