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Thread: Do you agree?

  1. #1
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    Default Do you agree?

    Do you agreee?

    The Parties agree that after three days after the notification for the obligation’s compliance, it will be an automatic arrears. (my translation)

    Las partes convienen además que la mora automática se producirá transcurridos tres días desde la intimación del cumplimiento de la obligación.--------------------------------------------------------------------(contract)

  2. #2
    Forum User Araguaney's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you agree?


    Just one thing: I have not seen the apostrophe in legal documents.


  3. #3
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    Smile Re: Do you agree?

    Quote Originally Posted by CECIYJUANI
    Do you agreee?

    The Parties agree that after three days after the notification for the obligation’s compliance, it will be an automatic arrears. (my translation)

    Las partes convienen además que la mora automática se producirá transcurridos tres días desde la intimación del cumplimiento de la obligación.--------------------------------------------------------------------(contract)
    Please consider this:

    The Parties further agree that an automatic default will occur after three days of notice??? of execution of the obligation.

    Please note that the word "notice" is the closest I could think of, but you will need to check the meaning of the word "intimacion". This text is a term of a contract and it deals with the terms under which an automatic default will occur. Three days after notification of the execution of the obligation does not make sense unless there is more context. Please check the meaning of the word "intimacion". Maybe someone with more experience can help.

    Good luck.


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