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Thread: DILIGENCIA de información de derechos al perjudicado u ofendido por delito

  1. #1
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    Default DILIGENCIA de información de derechos al perjudicado u ofendido por delito


    I'm translating a police report and one of the headings is DILIGENCIA DE INFORMACIÓN DE DERECHOS AL PERJUDICADO U OFENDIDO POR DELITO. I know that diligencia is proceedings but am not quite sure how the rest translates.. perhaps something along the lines of..

    Proceedings of information pertaining to the rights of the victim of the crime.

    I would be very grateful for any suggestions ortyp comments as this is quite urgent.

    Thank you!!
    Last edited by jenniferanne; 09-18-2010 at 06:46 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
    Senior Member Guadalupe's Avatar
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    Default Re: DILIGENCIA de información de derechos al perjudicado u ofendido por delito

    Hi, Jennifer! Your version sounds good, and I think it conveys the idea of the heading.

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