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Thread: Casa de valores

  1. #1
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    Default Casa de valores

    Hi everybody:

    I would appreciate your help with the following translation:

    Al 31 de diciembre del 2005 la Compañía realizó la desinversión del 79,07% que poseía en la oficina comercial de Estados Unidos

    Y cómo digo "Casa de Valores"

    Gracias por su ayuda


  2. #2
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    You should probably have someone who is more of an expert on finacial translations help you with the sentence, but I do know that "casa de valores" refers to a "brokerage firm".

    best of luck

  3. #3
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Estas son mis propuestas:

    "At December 31, 2005 the company withdrew 79.07% of the investment held at a business office located in the USA.

    "Casa de Valores"= Stock house

    Hope it helps

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hebe
    Estas son mis propuestas:

    "At December 31, 2005 the company withdrew 79.07% of the investment held at a business office located in the USA.

    "Casa de Valores"= Stock house

    Hope it helps
    I would change "at" with "by".

    "By Dec. 31, 2005, the company withdrew 79.07% of its investment in the business office located in the USA."

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