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Thread: Making lists 508-compliant

  1. #1
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    Default Making lists 508-compliant

    Hi Colleagues!

    A subject each day more interest due to government at all levels, and even private organizations allocating more time and effort to make their content accessible to all potential users/clients.

    I will try to compile info I learn about (mostly by surfing the Web) and on different aspects of 508 compliance (or WACG 2.0 as it is also known).

    This time, let me paste this link to practical guidelines from the VA Dept, and specifically talking about how to prepare an accessible list. https://www.section508.va.gov/suppor...df/7list_1.asp.

    Cheers, Gentle

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Making lists 508-compliant

    One important thing is to keep the tag structure list items that are part of the original list and not break it when you change pages.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Making lists 508-compliant

    Quote Originally Posted by RodrigoDG View Post
    One important thing is to keep the tag structure list items that are part of the original list and not break it when you change pages.
    That's true! The "tree" structure of a list and its sub-lists should flow to the following page (what matters is the structure itself, so that any AT used can go with the natural flow). In fact, if there happens to be a footer, we should usually tag it as an artifact, because the flow of the list matters more to the user than a repeated footer.
    Last edited by gentle; 10-11-2017 at 12:45 PM. Reason: sintaxys

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Making lists 508-compliant

    I've found the site of the Government Accesibility Program.
    Section508.gov | GSA Government-wide Section 508 Accessibility Program

    I believe that should be the right place to consult about this regulation.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Making lists 508-compliant

    yes, and an important part to see is this:Create Accessible Electronic Documents | Section508.gov

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Making lists 508-compliant

    Quote Originally Posted by santiagop View Post
    I've found the site of the Government Accesibility Program.
    Section508.gov | GSA Government-wide Section 508 Accessibility Program

    I believe that should be the right place to consult about this regulation.
    Please, spare me the effort of reading all that! Is there anything in particular you can add about managing lists for accessibility? I would like to see something like a wazzup-like txt message. (That summarized! Lol)

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Making lists 508-compliant

    Hi Gentle

    I suppose you should think about the document as if you were creating xml code or even html.
    Therefore, in the case of a list, you must have each item with bullets and you must define when the list begins and ends.
    If you do not define it as a list, it will be recognized as independent lines without any connection between them.

    Here is a simple example of how to create a list in HTML. It is very similar to how it should look when you work with 508:

    <p>This is paragraph text.</p>
    <p>Here starts a list:</p>
    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2</li>
    <li>Item 3</li>
    <li>Item 4</li>
    <p>Here starts another paragraph</p>

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Making lists 508-compliant

    i think the correct list for 508 would be this structure:


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Making lists 508-compliant

    Hi Rodrigo,
    Do you know what the <Lbl> tag does?

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Making lists 508-compliant

    Quote Originally Posted by santiagop View Post
    Hi Rodrigo,
    Do you know what the <Lbl> tag does?
    Hi Santiago, that's the bullet for the list.

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