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Thread: Legal translators!

  1. #1
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    Default Legal translators!

    Hello, hope everyone is great
    Can you tell me what the underlined terms on this sentence means?
    "A Nota Tecnica contendo os fatos essenciais sob julgamento que forman a base para uma determinacao final estara a disposicao dos representantes."
    Thank you!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Legal translators!

    Quote Originally Posted by mariposa1999 View Post
    Hello, hope everyone is great
    Can you tell me what the underlined terms on this sentence means?
    "A Nota Tecnica contendo os fatos essenciais sob julgamento que forman a base para uma determinacao final estara a disposicao dos representantes."
    Thank you!

    First of all the Portuguese has mistakes, it should be:

    "A Nota Técnica contendo os factos essenciais sob julgamento que formam a base para uma determinação final estará à disposição dos representantes."

    Nota Técnica means technical note, as in an additional information for the case.

    sob julgamento means on trial, as something that occurred when the trial was processed.

    But it doesn't sound very correct... could it be that it is "sobre o julgamento" (about the trial) and not the "sob julgamento" (on trial)?

    Hope this helps you


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